Evolutionary history and seascape genomics of Harbour porpoises
(Phocoena phocoena) across environmental gradients in the North Atlantic
and adjacent waters
The Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is a highly mobile cetacean
species which primarily occurs in coastal and shelf waters across the
Northern hemisphere. It inhabits heterogeneous seascapes that vary
broadly in salinity and temperature. Here we produced 74 whole genomes
at intermediate coverage to study Harbour porpoise’s evolutionary
history and investigate the role of local adaptation in the
diversification into subspecies and populations. We identified
~6 million high quality SNPs sampled at 8 localities
across the North Atlantic and adjacent waters, which we used for
population structure, demographic, and genotype-environment association
analyses. Our results support a genetic differentiation between three
subspecies, and three distinct populations within the subspecies P.p.
phocoena: Atlantic, Belt Sea and Proper Baltic Sea. Effective population
size and Tajima’s D levels suggest a population contraction in both
Black Sea and Iberian porpoises while a population expansion in the P.p.
phocoena populations. Phylogenetic trees indicate a post-glacial
colonization of Harbour porpoises from a southern refugium.
Genotype-environment association analysis identified salinity as a major
driver in genomic variation and we identified candidate genes putatively
underlying adaptation to different salinity levels. Our study highlights
the value of whole genome resequencing to unravel subtle population
structure in highly mobile species and shows how strong environmental
gradients and local adaptation may lead to population differentiation.
The results have great conservation implications as we found major
levels of inbreeding and low genetic diversity in the endangered Black
Sea subspecies and identified the critically endangered Proper Baltic
Sea porpoises as a separate population.