Tracking locally hatched pied flycatchers reveals masking of inherited
trait variation during spring migration
Climate change has been driving long-distance migratory birds to alter
their schedules under the threat of being mismatched with their food
peak at the breeding grounds. It is important to study the relative
contribution of environmental, genetic and ontogenetic components in
various spring timing traits in the wild in order to predict the true
potential for migratory birds to adapt to the changing environment. We
aimed to detect if heritable and ontogenetic components can explain
variation in the timing of spring migration and breeding in pied
flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). Geolocator tracks of 44 locally
hatched birds deployed during 2016-2019 in the Netherlands and the
United Kingdom were used to investigate the role of early-life traits in
the pre-fledging phase, as well as parental timings, in contributing to
individual differences in the timing of spring migration and breeding in
adulthood. We found a positive relationship between an individuals’
birth date and spring departure date from Africa in adulthood, but not
for breeding arrival or laying date. Variation in spring departure date
could not be explained by any other early-life trait in the pre-fledging
phase, yet was well explained by the arrival dates of its parents in its
birth year. This suggests that under natural conditions, individual
differences in spring departure timing have a strong heritable component
(in the broad sense), but that environmental conditions experienced
along the migratory route and at breeding sites are partially masking
this expression in arrival and laying schedules in these early breeding
populations. Such environmental masking may reduce heritability in the
timing of arrival and laying, thereby slowing down climatic adaptation
towards earlier time schedules in pied flycatchers.