New Abstract: Many models require specialized access and interpolation schemes to effectively extract and interpolate their outputs. In particular, the Block-Adaptive Tree Solarwind Roe Upwind Scheme (BATSRUS) component of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) requires Kamodo to take advantage of its block-based adaptive grid structure, and the Lyon-Fedder Mobarry magnetosphere model (or its successor GAMERA) needs a scheme that appreciates the distorted spherical arrangement of grid vertices on a non-orthogonal grid. With the flythrough layer developed by Ringuette et al. (SH42E-2337), the underlying model readers have been adapted to use multiple time steps in a single Python session to perform 4-dimensional interpolations in time and space. Kamodo now utilizes lazy interpolation that loads data only when needed. We present the successful integration of SWMF/BATSRUS magnetosphere access and interpolation into the new 4D Kamodo framework utilizing an external library of C code. Through function composition, Kamodo facilitates the calculation of derived quantities and the transformation of positions and vectors into different coordinate systems. This work is a significant step towards performing field line tracing in Kamodo with SWMF magnetosphere outputs.