Federico Gasperini

and 5 more

Recent evidence has revealed that strong coupling between the lower atmosphere and the thermosphere ($>$100 km) occurs on intra-seasonal (IS) timescales ($\sim$30-90 days). The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), a primary source of IS variability in tropical tropospheric convection and circulation, can influence the generation and propagation characteristics of atmospheric tides and has been proposed as a significant driver of thermospheric IS oscillations (ISOs). Despite this progress, the limited availability of satellite observations in the ‘thermospheric gap’ region (ca. 100-300 km) and the inability of numerical models to accurately characterize this region have hindered a comprehensive understanding of this connection and the fundamental processes involved. In this study, an Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)-adapted version of the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM), incorporating lower boundary tides derived from MIGHTI observations, is utilized to characterize and quantify the impact of the upward-propagating tidal spectrum on thermospheric ISOs and to elucidate connections to the MJO. Thermospheric zonal and diurnal mean zonal winds are shown to exhibit prominent ($\sim$20 m/s) tidally-driven ISOs throughout 2020-2021, largest at low latitudes ($\pm$30$^\circ$) near $\sim$110-150 km altitude. Correlation analyses demonstrate a robust (r$>$0.6) connection between the thermospheric ISOs, tides, and the tropospheric MJO, moreover, Hovm\”oller diagrams indicate eastward tidal propagation consistent with the MJO and concurrent SABER observations. This study demonstrates that vertically propagating tides play a crucial role in linking IS variability from the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere, with the MJO identified as a primary contributor to this significant whole-atmosphere teleconnection.

Federico Gasperini

and 5 more

Recent evidence has revealed that strong coupling between the lower atmosphere and the thermosphere ($>$100 km) occurs on intra-seasonal (IS) timescales (~30-90 days). The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), a key source of IS variability in tropical convection and circulation, influences the generation and propagation of atmospheric tides and is believed to be a significant driver of thermospheric IS oscillations (ISOs). However, limited satellite observations in the ‘thermospheric gap’ (100-300 km) and challenges faced by numerical models in characterizing this region have hindered a comprehensive understanding of this connection. This study utilizes an ICON-adapted version of the Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM), incorporating lower boundary tides from Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) observations, to quantify the impact of the upward-propagating tidal spectrum on thermospheric ISOs and elucidate connections to the MJO. Thermospheric zonal and diurnal mean zonal winds exhibit prominent (~20 m/s) tidally-driven ISOs throughout 2020-2021, largest at low latitudes ($\pm$30$^\circ$) near 110-150 km altitude. Correlation analyses (r>0.6) confirm a robust connection between thermospheric ISOs, tides, and the MJO. Additionally, Hovmoller diagrams show eastward tidal propagation consistent with MJO and concurrent Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) observations. This study demonstrates that vertically propagating tides play a crucial role in linking IS variability from the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere, with the MJO identified as a primary driver of this whole-atmosphere teleconnection. Understanding these connections is vital for advancing our knowledge in space physics, particularly regarding the dynamics of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.

Federico Gasperini

and 3 more

A key element of successful aerobraking operations at Mars is accurate thermospheric density predictions. Evidence suggests that much of the longitude variability in Mars’ aerobraking region is associated with atmospheric tides, and the day-to-day variability is connected with tidal modulation by longer-period global-scale waves. Specifically, ultra-fast Kelvin waves (UFKWs) and their modulation of the tidal spectrum play a key role in coupling Mars’ lower ($<$$\sim$80 km) and middle ($\sim$80-100 km) atmosphere with the aerobraking region above. In this study, over 5 years of Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) CO$_2$ density observations are employed to reveal prominent, frequent, and persistent 2.5- to 4.5-day UFKW packets in the whole Martian middle and upper thermosphere (ca. 150-200 km), and large secondary waves arising from their nonlinear interactions with the tidal spectrum. Detailed analyses focusing on a prominent $\sim$2.5-day UFKW event in late 2015 demonstrate primary and secondary wave amplitudes growing twofold with altitude from $\sim$7-14\% near 150 km to $\sim$12-25\% near 200 km and their combined effects to account for $\sim$60-80\% of the altitude-longitudinal variability of Mars’ thermospheric density. Concurrent temperature measurements from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) reveal consistent wave signatures near 80 km altitude suggesting propagation of both primary and secondary waves from the lower atmosphere. This study demonstrates that UFKWs and secondary waves from UFKW-tide interactions are sources of significant altitude-longitude variability in the Mars’ aerobraking region that should be accounted for when analyzing satellite observations and nonlinear models.

Federico Gasperini

and 3 more

It is now well established that waves generated in the lower atmosphere can propagate upward and significantly impact the dynamics and mean state of the ionosphere-thermosphere (IT, 100-600 km) system. Given the geometry of magnetic field lines near the equator, a significant fraction of this IT coupling occurs at low latitudes and is driven by global-scale waves of tropical tropospheric origin, such as the diurnal eastward-propagating tide with zonal wavenumber 3 (DE3) and the ultra-fast Kelvin wave (UFKW). Despite recent progress, lack of coincident global observations has thus far precluded full characterization of the sources of day-today variability of these waves, including nonlinear interactions, and impacts on the low-latitude IT. In this work, in-situ ion densities from Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) and Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate 2 (COSMIC-2) Ion Velocity Meter (IVM) along with remotely-sensed zonal winds from ICON Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) are used to reveal a rich spectrum of waves coupling the lower (∼90-105 km) and middle (∼200-270 km) thermosphere with the upper F-region (∼540 and ∼590 km) ionosphere. Spectral analyses for a 40-day period of similar local time demonstrate prominent IT coupling via DE3, a 3-day UFKW, and the two ∼1.43-day and ∼0.77-day secondary waves from their nonlinear interactions. While all these waves are found to dominate the F-region spectra, only the UFKW and the 1.43-day secondary wave can propagate to ∼270 km suggesting E-region wind dynamo processes as major contributors to their observed ionospheric signatures.