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Collection and Analysis of Shear Strain Data of Polythermal Ice from Jarvis Glacier, Alaska
  • +6
  • Ian Lee,
  • Robert Hawley,
  • Christopher C. Gerbi,
  • Karl J Kreutz,
  • Seth W Campbell,
  • Peter O. Koons,
  • David Clemens-Sewall,
  • Steven Bernsen,
  • Mike Waszkiewicz
Ian Lee
Dartmouth College

Corresponding Author:ianrj.lee@gmail.com

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Robert Hawley
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Christopher C. Gerbi
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Karl J Kreutz
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Seth W Campbell
Peter O. Koons
David Clemens-Sewall
Author Profile
Steven Bernsen
Mike Waszkiewicz


We seek to calibrate the flow law for polythermal ice through shear strain analysis. In a warming climate, increased melting of glaciers and ice caps play a big role in sea level rise. Approximately 60% of the current contribution to sea level rise from ice loss is attributed to glaciers and ice caps, raising the urgency of sharpening mass balance change predictions in regions of streaming flow. Polythermal glaciers constitute a significant portion of these contributing glaciers, though our knowledge of their flow dynamics is incomplete. Thermally complex polythermal glaciers have both warm and cold ice which lead to weak wet-based beds, with significant amounts of basal sliding and deformable till. Consequently, polythermal glaciers experience significant shear strain as their lateral shear margins sustain the majority of the resisting stress. Most in-situ and in-lab studies of natural ice over recent years have focused on bodies of ice with frozen beds that experience minimal shear strain downglacier and across vertical planes (with depth) relative to the bed. The lack of studies on wet-based polythermal glaciers causes uncertainties in the flow law, as differences in flow law factors between polythermal ice and bodies of ice with frozen beds have the potential to induce more than an order of magnitude difference in ice velocity. To improve calibration of the flow law for polythermal ice, we seek to improve our understanding of their shear strain regimes. We developed and deployed tilt sensor systems on the polythermal Jarvis Glacier in Alaska, where we drilled multiple boreholes close to Jarvis’ shear margin and installed three boreholes with our tilt sensor systems. The tilt sensors measure gravity, magnetic and temperature data, and each system consists of multiple sensors connected along a cable and serially communicating along a common data bus with a datalogger. We have recently retrieved a year of Jarvis tilt sensor data and calculated the at-depth shear strain rates in the boreholes, allowing evaluation of the at-depth shear strain rate regimes of polythermal ice against theoretical models developed using Glen’s flow law. We present the development of our data collection methodology and the results of our shear strain analysis, with suggestions for potential calibrations of the flow law for polythermal ice.