Investigation of forage mycotoxin levels in horses with increased liver
enzyme concentrations
Background: Mycotoxins are naturally occurring toxic metabolites found
in cereals and forage released by moulds and other fungi. In domestic
farm animals, mycotoxins contribute to a spectrum of disorders. However,
little is known about the impact of multiple mycotoxins in horses and
there is little published data investigating mycotoxins found in forage
fed to horses in the UK. Objectives: To identify the concentrations of
mycotoxins found in forage fed to horses in the UK with increased liver
enzyme concentrations. Study Design: Retrospective case series. Methods:
Records of forage mycotoxin sampling undertaken for horses with
increased liver enzymes between May 2019 – October 2021 were reviewed.
The quantity and frequency of 54 mycotoxins identified were recorded.
Individual mycotoxins were grouped based on their biochemical structure
or fungus they are produced by. Results: Mycotoxins were detected in
50/52 (96%, CI 87-99) of forage samples; 42/52 (81%, CI 67-90) samples
had two or more present. The median number of mycotoxin groups detected
was three. Emerging mycotoxins were detected in 39/52 samples (75%, CI
61-86) with median concentration of 92 μg/kg [IQR 20-444] (median
concentration [IQR]); fusaric acid in 25/52 samples (48%, CI
34-62), (14 [11-45]), and type B trichothecenes in 24/52 samples
(46%, CI 32-61), (119 [50-1517]). One or more mycotoxin groups were
detected in 14/52 samples (26%, CI 16-42) at a concentration thought to
be ‘higher’ risk to animal health; 22/52 (42%, CI 29-57) samples had
one or more mycotoxins groups that were detected at a concentration that
was ‘medium’ or ‘higher’ risk. Main limitations: Lack of a control
population and potential for case selection bias. Conclusions:
Mycotoxins are frequently found in the forage eaten by horses with
increased liver enzymes. The effects of mycotoxins in horses and
synergistic effects of multiple mycotoxins in horses warrant further