A polymath completing a decadal interdisciplinary research project, to reconstruct the Rotomahana Basin in New Zealand. The research discloses the locations and potential survival of the fabled siliceous sinter "Pink, and White Terraces": the New Zealand Eighth Wonder of the World. Over 2014-2025, a series of twenty research papers identifies proximal locations near the Terraces, enabling triangulation studies. Under the new Hochstetter Paradigm, outstanding questions are settled over geolocation, altimetry, topography, meteorology, terrestrial surveying, the Black Terrace, research misconduct, the abscence of sinter samples and a cold case death. The third volume in the trilogy 'Quest for the Pink and White Terraces' was also published.
Some readers may be seeking my published papers and books from the preceding 2000-2012 projects i.e. the seminal research into automotive crankcase ventilation, leading to patents, products and the publication of the first texts on the subject i.e. 'Motorcycle Crankcase Ventilation' and 'A Shower of Sparks'.
Still, others may seek my earlier health economics research, which first exposed the connection between economic change and epidemic morbidity and mortality in Australia. Interestingly, these papers are regularly cited, 47 years on.