The Effect of Projected Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Pattern Changes on
Tropical Precipitation using CESM 1
Tropical islands are highly dependent on rainfall to provide resources
for drinking and agriculture. Hence, understanding changes to
precipitation under a changing climate is critical for societal
planning. Decadal variability in the climate system causes the strength
of SST gradients to vary across the tropical Pacific that can cause
precipitation patterns to transition from one decade to the next, even
in the presence of longer term climate trends. To study 21st Century
changes to tropical rainfall patterns in the presence of decadal
variability, we use the CESM1 Large Ensemble (Kay et al. 2015) forced
under RCP8.5. Each ensemble member uses different initial conditions
that can be used to examine climate projections on short term (e.g.
weeks, years) through long term (e.g. century) time scales. Since
climate models contain climate variability such as El Niño Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), each
ensemble member can have diverse projection outcomes in a given decade.
While all ensemble members eventually show an El Niño-like warming
pattern by 2100 relative to 1985-2005, before the mid 21st Century,
preferential SST warming and precipitation intensity in the tropics in
any given 20-year period can be weighted toward the west, central, or
east Pacific. Further, while Niño3.4 SST generally goes up relative to
1985-2005, the tropical Pacific east-west temperature gradient change
does not show as consistent an upward trend. Implications of SST and
precipitation change patterns for Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico
are examined. Spearman’s correlation is used to examine the relationship
between station island precipitation and the east-west Pacific SSTs
gradient change. A strong negative correlation relative to gradient
change is found for Guam, in contrast to Samoa having a high positive
correlation. This study highlights the importance of decadal climate
variability for understanding changes in water resources in island
nations in a changing climate. This study was conducted as part of the
Earth System Modeling and Education Institute summer REU program at
Colorado State University.