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Existence of positive solutions for an approximation of stationary mean-field games
  • +20
  • Diogo Gomes,
  • Maria Sargsyan,
  • Daniela,
  • Andre,
  • Nojood Almayouf,
  • Andreia Chapouto,
  • Avetik Karagulyan,
  • Elena Bachini,
  • Giorgia Pagliari,
  • Hector Velasco-Perez,
  • João Reis,
  • Kengo Terai,
  • Sagar Pratapsi,
  • tommaso seneci,
  • Juan de Monasterio,
  • Ryota Tomisaki,
  • Rita Ferreira,
  • David Evangelista da Silveira Junior,
  • Awaiting Activation,
  • Orlando Romero,
  • xianjin yang,
  • Levon Nurbekyan,
  • Mariana Prazeres
Diogo Gomes

Corresponding Author:dlcvag@gmail.com

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Maria Sargsyan
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Nojood Almayouf
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Andreia Chapouto
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Avetik Karagulyan
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Elena Bachini
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Giorgia Pagliari
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Hector Velasco-Perez
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João Reis
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Kengo Terai
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Sagar Pratapsi
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tommaso seneci
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Juan de Monasterio
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Ryota Tomisaki
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Rita Ferreira
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David Evangelista da Silveira Junior
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Awaiting Activation
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Orlando Romero
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xianjin yang
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Levon Nurbekyan
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Mariana Prazeres
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Here, we consider a regularized mean-field game model that features a low-order regularization. We prove the existence of solutions with positive density. To do so, we combine a priori estimates with the continuation method. Since low order regularizations are easier to implement numerically, our methods give a theoretical foundation for their use.