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Corollary discharge function in healthy controls: new evidence about self-speech and external speech processing.
  • +3
  • Rosa M. Beño-Ruiz-de-la-Sierra,
  • Antonio Arjona-Valladares,
  • Sabela Fondevila Estevez,
  • Inés Fernández-Linsenbarth,
  • Alvaro Diez,
  • Vicente Molina
Rosa M. Beño-Ruiz-de-la-Sierra
University of Valladolid

Corresponding Author:rosabenoruiz@gmail.com

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Antonio Arjona-Valladares
University of Valladolid
Author Profile
Sabela Fondevila Estevez
Author Profile
Inés Fernández-Linsenbarth
University of Valladolid
Author Profile
Alvaro Diez
University of Valladolid
Author Profile
Vicente Molina
University of Valladolid
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As we speak, corollary discharge mechanisms suppress the auditory cortical response to the sensory perception of the self-generated voice in healthy subjects. This suppression has been associated with the attenuation of the auditory N1 component. To analyze this corollary discharge phenomenon (agency and ownership), we registered the Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) of thirty-five healthy subjects. The N1 and P2 components were elicited by spoken vowels (talk condition; agency), by played-back vowels recorded with their own voice (listen-self condition; ownership), and by played-back vowels recorded with an external voice (listen-other condition). The N1 amplitude elicited by the talk condition was smaller compared to the listen-self and listen-other conditions. There were no amplitude differences in N1 between listen-self and listen-other conditions. The P2 component did not show differences between conditions. Additionally, a peak latency analysis of N1 and P2 components between the three conditions showed no differences. These findings corroborate previous results showing that the corollary discharge mechanisms dampen sensory responses to self-generated speech (agency experience), and also provide new neurophysiological evidence about the similarities in the processing of played-back vowels with our own voice (ownership experience) and with an external voice.