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Ultra-Slow Throw Rates of Polygonal Fault Systems
  • James King,
  • Joe Cartwright
James King
University of Oxford

Corresponding Author:james.king2@univ.ox.ac.uk

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Joe Cartwright
University of Oxford
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Polygonal Fault Systems (PFS) are an enigmatic class of small non-tectonic extensional faults. PFS are predominantly hosted in fine-grained sedimentary tiers and are prevalent along many continental margin basins. The genesis of PFS is widely debated and little is known about the timeframe for polygonal fault growth. We present the first measurements of throw rates for polygonal faults by measuring the vertical offset of seven age-calibrated horizons mapped using three-dimensional seismic reflection data from the Norwegian Sea. Individual polygonal faults exhibit a range of throw rate profiles through time, ranging from near linear to singly or multiply stepped. The stepped profiles have a range of short-term throw rates ranging from 0 to 18 m/Ma. Time-averaged throw rates of 180 polygonal faults over the entire 2.61-0 Ma interval are normally distributed and range between 1.4-10.9 m/Ma. We convert our PFS throw rates to displacement rates and compare these to published displacement rates for gravity driven and tectonic normal faults. We find that the displacement rates of polygonal faults mark the lower limit of a continuous spectrum of extensional fault displacement rates; they are up to two orders-of-magnitude slower than gravity-driven faults, and up to three orders-of-magnitude slower than the fastest growing tectonic faults. We attribute the ultra-slow kinematic behaviour to the non-tectonic nature of polygonal faults where throw accumulates primarily through dewatering of the largely fine-grained sediments comprising the host layers for the PFS, and differential volumetric strain between the fault footwalls and hangingwalls.
01 May 2020Published in Geology volume 48 issue 5 on pages 473-477. 10.1130/G47221.1