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Examining Urban Built-up Volume using High Spatial Resolution SAR and Lidar Data: A Case Study in Detroit, Michigan, USA
  • Adam Mathews,
  • Son Nghiem,
  • Dieuthuy Nguyen
Adam Mathews
Western Michigan University

Corresponding Author:adam.mathews@wmich.edu

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Son Nghiem
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Author Profile
Dieuthuy Nguyen
Author Profile


Accurate mapping of urban infrastructure, specifically buildings, and extent is a high priority in addressing environmental and socioeconomic problems. Importantly, such mapping must account for the three-dimensionality (3D) of the urban environment that has traditionally been lacking (e.g., land cover and land use change—LCLUC—analyses often utilize two-dimensional satellite imagery). Undoubtedly, considerable development and change in urban areas takes place in the vertical dimension. Light detection and ranging (lidar) data provide the ability to map in 3D, but systematic data coverage both spatially and temporally is direly insufficient globally. Previous works have successfully implemented spaceborne radar data such as 1-km QuikSCAT data in lieu of lidar data to assess 3D urban build-up. Higher spatial resolution is required, though, to examine urban characteristics in detail. In this study, we test whether Sentinel-1 C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data can monitor 3D urban build-up in high spatial resolution (i.e. 40-m) in Detroit, Michigan, USA, 2015. Findings confirm, through comparison with aggregated 1-m lidar data, the utility of high spatial resolution SAR data for examination of urban built-up volume. Correlation and regression results show a strong linear relationship between SAR backscatter and lidar volume citywide. Moreover, SAR data, unlike coarser resolution radar data, can detect 3D anomalies over time (e.g., new building construction, building demolitions, etc.) further attesting to their utility for comprehensive 3D urban analyses a lower cost and higher repeatability over a much more extensive coverage compared to lidar data.