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Warming of the Barents and GIN Seas
  • James Carton,
  • leon Chafik,
  • Michael Steele
James Carton
University of Maryland

Corresponding Author:carton@atmos.umd.edu

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leon Chafik
University of Sweden
Author Profile
Michael Steele
University of Washington/APL
Author Profile


MAJOR POINTS: 1) The Barents and GIN basins are warming rapidly and exhibiting strong strong interannual variability. 2) While interannual variability of heat content in the GIN Seas is controlled by Atlantic water transport, we show interannual variability of heat content in the Barents is controlled by surface flux (see also Schlichtholtz et al 2011). 3) Interannual variations in surface flux are the result of variations in wintertime latent heat loss resulting from intrusions of warm moist air from the south. 4) (not shown) these variations also control winter sea ice cover.