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Petrophysical characterization of a Jurassic sedimentary unit associated to a foreland basin proposed for CO2 geological storage in the Tampico-Misantla Oil Province, Mexico
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  • Cesar Alberto Cortes Prado,
  • Mariano Cerca,
  • Gilles Levresse,
  • Erick Medina Romero
Cesar Alberto Cortes Prado
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Corresponding Author:tonydalton1@hotmail.com

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Mariano Cerca
Centro de Geociencias, UNAM
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Gilles Levresse
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Author Profile
Erick Medina Romero
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Author Profile


We present a reinterpretation of a geological section in the Tampico-Misantla oil province made with the purpose of selecting and evaluating possible sites to implement a Geological CO2 Storage (GCS) in the Jurassic sedimentary units. Specific parameters of the reservoir such as porosity, permeability, fluid content, temperature, and overburden pressure were estimated from a database of drilled oil wells, core descriptions, laboratory tests, and analogue outcrop descriptions. Previous data indicated porosity values ranging from 6% to 12%, and relatively low permeability values <0.001 mD for calcareous sand and clay-silty bearing layers. Reinterpretation of a geological section involving the main lithostratigraphic units, from Cenozoic sediments to Jurassic metamorphic rocks, was made based on geological maps, geological contacts, and seismic data. Petrophysical properties were obtained from well logs available (Neutron, DTCO, Gamma Ray, Resistivity) and compared with laboratory measurements in cores from wells and outcrops. A model of regional petrophysical facies for the reservoir and seal units was developed by using selected physical properties in relation with the regional geological context. Five petrophysical facies distributed across the study area were identified in the reservoir including calcareous sands, quartz bearing sandstone and quartz bearing conglomerates for the reservoir, and bituminous shales and limestone for the shale units covering the reservoir. Permeability and porosity values at the reservoir scale were estimated from well logs using methods available in the literature and then compared with the laboratory tests. Two porosity estimations were computed from well logs: Neutron porosity (NPHI) and Sonic Porosity (PHITS) with results ranging from 0.1 % to 16%. Estimated permeability yielded a range of 0.001 mD to 15 mD. The results suggest that the Jurassic units are a suitable reservoir since geological traps and specific depositional facies distributed in the basin have the required porosity and permeability values suggested for efficient CO2 storage.