Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations
associated with polar cap patches
Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) or satellite navigation is an
important technological advancement; however, it is greatly impacted by
the effects of space weather, such as ionosphere scintillation.
Ionosphere scintillation is one of the causes of errors in the GNSS
signals and also has the potential to cause a loss of access to GNSS.
Ionosphere scintillation often impacts the polar region; however, the
cause is not always known. One potential source of scintillation is
polar cap patches. In Ren et al., [2018], a polar cap patch database
was created based on the incoherent scatter radar measurements at
Resolute Bay (RISR). Using data provided by the CHAIN Network of
ionosphere scintillation detected near Resolute Bay in 2016, it can be
determined how polar cap patches impact ionosphere scintillation. A
statistical analysis as well as event analysis have been performed.
Scintillation data from GNSS satellites with an elevation angle over 40
degrees were collected from each patch in the database and were compared
to daily average. It was found that statistically there is no obvious
phase scintillation or amplitude scintillation increase associated with
patch in the polar cap. For the event analysis, three different patch
events with and without enhanced scintillation were chosen for in-depth
analysis and cross-comparison. Other datasets, including AMPERE FAC and
RISR, are used to understand the plasma characteristics and geomagnetic
activity conditions during these events.