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A Downscaled Surface Atmospheric Forcing Dataset for Land Surface Modeling
  • +1
  • Tasnuva Rouf,
  • Yiwen Mei,
  • Viviana Maggioni,
  • Paul Houser
Tasnuva Rouf
George Mason University Fairfax

Corresponding Author:trouf@masonlive.gmu.edu

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Yiwen Mei
George Mason University Fairfax
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Viviana Maggioni
George Mason University Fairfax
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Paul Houser
George Mason University Fairfax
Author Profile


In this study, we have developed a hyper-resolution land-surface forcing dataset (temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, incident longwave and shortwave radiation) from coarse resolution products using a physically-based downscaling approach. These downscaling techniques rely on correlations with landscape variables, such as topography, temperature lapse rate corrections, surface roughness and land cover. A proof-of-concept has been implemented over the Oklahoma domain, where high-resolution observations are available for validation purposes. The hourly NLDAS (North America Land Data Assimilation System) forcing data at 0.125° have been downscaled to 500m resolution over the study area during 2015. Results show that correlation coefficients between the downscaled forcing dataset and ground observations are consistently higher and biases are lower than the ones between the NLDAS forcing dataset at their native resolution and ground observations. Results are therefore encouraging as they demonstrate that the 500m forcing dataset has a good agreement with the ground information and can be adopted to force the land surface model for land state estimation. The Noah-MP land surface model is then forced with both the native resolution NLDAS dataset and the downscaled one to simulate surface and root zone soil moisture. Model outputs are compared with in situ soil moisture observations and SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission) products at different spatial resolutions. This work will result in a radical improvement over the current state-of-the-art forcing data and will move into the era of hyper-resolution land modeling.