Putting the Research Catchments on a Map: An Overview of Research Sites
that have Shaped Knowledge in Trans-Disciplinary Research
- Stephen Sebestyen
, - Theresa Blume,
- Jonathan Duncan
, - James Shanley

Stephen Sebestyen

USDA Forest Service
Corresponding Author:sdsebest@mtu.edu
Author ProfileTheresa Blume
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Author ProfileJonathan Duncan

Pennsylvania State University Main Campus
Author ProfileJames Shanley

USGS New Hampshire/Vermont Water Science Center
Author ProfileAbstract
Worldwide, catchment studies have profoundly influenced science, policy,
management, education, and public perception of natural resources.
Despite the legacy, some catchment studies have been decommissioned,
while others face uncertain futures. In an environment of change, we
need them more than ever. During the AGU Centennial, we aim to promote
the catchment studies and highlight how long-term and place-based
research is vibrant. To that extent, we provide an overview of the
submissions to our session and some of those sites that are not present
by mapping all the studies that we can identify on this poster. We
intend this map, and the entire session, to stimulate discussion about
the state of catchment sciences and the sites that make the science