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Coupled shape and spin evolution of Bennu due to the YORP effect
  • +12
  • James Roberts,
  • Yun Zhang,
  • Olivier Barnouin,
  • Patrick Michel,
  • Derek Richardson,
  • Michael Nolan,
  • Michael Daly,
  • Jeff Seabrook,
  • Eric Palmer,
  • Robert Gaskell,
  • John Weirich,
  • Manar Al Asad,
  • Catherine Johnson,
  • Lydia Philpott,
  • Dante Lauretta
James Roberts
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Corresponding Author:james.roberts@jhuapl.edu

Author Profile
Yun Zhang
UNS-CNRS-Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur
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Olivier Barnouin
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
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Patrick Michel
UNS-CNRS-Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur
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Derek Richardson
University of Maryland College Park
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Michael Nolan
Arecibo Observatory
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Michael Daly
York University
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Jeff Seabrook
York University
Author Profile
Eric Palmer
Planetary Science Institute
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Robert Gaskell
Planetary Science Institute
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John Weirich
Planetary Science Institute
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Manar Al Asad
University of British Columbia
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Catherine Johnson
University of British Columbia
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Lydia Philpott
University of British Columbia
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Dante Lauretta
University of Arizona
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The rotation rate of (101955) Bennu has been observed to increase, providing evidence of the YORP effect in action. Bennu is a rubble pile with little strength. At the current spin-up rate, the rotation would result in large-scale disruption in <1 My. Such an extreme scenario is predicated on the YORP torque continuing to increase the rotation. However, YORP is sensitive to the shape and can change on a short timescale as small episodes of failure can increase oblateness, reduce spin rate, and redistribute rubble on the surface. A more comprehensive model of the shape and spin evolution of Bennu is required to understand its past and future. Here, we calculate the YORP torque on a shape model of Bennu. For a random distribution of rubble, the torques on individual blocks should cancel, and the large-scale structure should control the YORP response. However, we find the calculated torque is strongly dependent on the resolution of the shape model used, suggesting that the smaller material has an influence. As the surface roughness of the model increases, the magnitude of the torque and even its sign may change. Spin rate increases that more closely match measurements are obtained with increasing small-scale roughness. Simulated models that are coarser in resolution, but possess greater roughness than the equivalent lower-resolution shape model from observations, likewise are more consistent with the observed spin-up rate. We find that surface roughness with a non-random orientation controlled by large-scale structure determines the YORP torque. Following [1], we model the evolution of a rubble pile with Bennu’s shape subject to YORP using the granular modeling tool pkdgrav and explore how the torques change as the object is deformed. The YORP torques are calculated on the present shape and applied until particles begin to move. The torques are then recomputed on the new shape, and the iteration continues. We find negligible change in the torque until the rotation period decreases to 3.6 hr from its current 4.3-hr period. At 3.53 hr, the asteroid starts to lose mass from the equator. Our results suggest that the deformation of the asteroid’s shape due to YORP does not strongly alter rotation, and that if the initial shape is known to sufficient accuracy, the future shape and spin can be predicted. [1] Cotto-Figueroa D. et al. (2015) ApJ 803, 25.