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NASA EOSDIS Data Usage Metrics-Insight and Assessment
  • Durga Kafle
Durga Kafle

Corresponding Author:dnkafle@gmail.com

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NASA’s Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project collects Earth science data usage metrics on a daily basis through the ESDIS Metrics System (EMS). This includes metrics on distribution of data products, users, data volumes, and number of files, which are key parameters in evaluating system-level performance of any of the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) encompassed by NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) Data and Information System (EOSDIS). EOSDIS data usage metrics illustrate the benefits of making NASA data openly available to the public and show a rapid growth in data distribution to a worldwide user community. In fact, each year since 2014 the EOSDIS has distributed over one billion data files of products from EOS satellite, airborne, and in situ observations. An assessment of the long-term trends of data usage metrics and user characterization provides insights into data usability.This study will focus on describing the EMS as a metrics collection tool and will provide a comprehensive analysis of EOSDIS data usage metrics over the last 10 years. This study will also characterize the product distribution metrics by various tools and services, such as Giovanni, the Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP), and subsets, to address how these tools/services have extended the usage of data in the EOSDIS collection. Data usage patterns based on discipline and study area will further assist in understanding how EOSDIS data user needs have evolved over time. Results from this study will provide useful information for the DAACs that can help them improve the functionality of their tools and services as well as more efficiently allocate the resources necessary for enhanced access and availability of their data products. Knowledge of these metrics may also benefit user discovery of data in the EOSDIS collection, promote research collaboration, and stimulate new ideas from work and research conducted using specific datasets and data collections.