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Development of a method for Arctic ice restoration using high-albedo reflective materials for localized surface treatments
  • +4
  • Leslie Field,
  • Alexander Sholtz,
  • Roman Decca,
  • Kalyan Katuri,
  • Subarna Bhattacharyya,
  • Detelina Ivanova,
  • Valimir Mlaker
Leslie Field
Ice911 Research; Stanford University

Corresponding Author:leslie@ice911.org

Author Profile
Alexander Sholtz
Ice911 Research
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Roman Decca
Ice911 Research
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Kalyan Katuri
Ice911 Research
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Subarna Bhattacharyya
Author Profile
Detelina Ivanova
Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Author Profile
Valimir Mlaker
Author Profile


Context: A Focus on Arctic Ice Restoration Arctic ice loss has been linked to global climatic changes including droughts and wildfires and extreme winter weather. Since 1979 the Arctic has lost 75% of its ice volume, resulting in a loss of albedo that contributes significantly to global warming. Ice911’s mission is to develop and test methods to preserve and ultimately restore ice using a thin coating of high-albedo reflective materials applied to strategic areas of low-albedo ice in the Arctic, in order to reduce climate change impacts. Methods: Arctic Field Testing and Laboratory Safety Testing At Ice911’s Arctic lake test site in Ukpeagvik (Barrow), Alaska, working with UIC for science logistics and permits, a section of the winter ice was treated with 15,000 m2 of reflective hollow glass microsphere materials, using an agricultural spreader. Monitoring instrumentation included albedo and temperature measurement and cameras mounted on buoys. The treated area was observed and compared to control areas throughout the 2018 melt. Data was transmitted wirelessly and combined with on-site aerial drone footage. Laboratory safety testing and field evaluation of the fate of the materials continued, as part of the “first do no harm” obligation of the work. Results The data collection and wireless communication worked reliably in the field. Video footage taken during the melt was run through an image processing algorithm to compare albedo differential and results show higher reflectivity in areas with material applied, despite variable stream flows during the melt. The flotation for both the custom Ice911-built buoys and a purchased buoy were compromised by the variable stresses exerted during the ice melt in the lake, and improvements are being made to the Ice911 buoy design. Laboratory safety testing shows no deleterious impacts from the materials. At the field test site, after the melt the sand-like materials were blown to shore and joined the surrounding mud. Conclusion Field work, permitting, climate modeling and laboratory testing are ongoing to confirm material safety and performance and to improve deployment and monitoring, with the goal of readying the technology for a potential targeted deployment within a few years of a 10,000-100,000 km2 on sea ice at a location chosen to have a significant positive climate impact.