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Astrobiology Learning Progressions: a Tool for Scientists and Educators to Plan and Conduct Education and Outreach
  • +5
  • Hilarie Davis,
  • Daniella Scalice,
  • Graham Lau,
  • Michelle Hooks,
  • Bradford Davey,
  • Nicoline Chambers,
  • Dani Leach,
  • Don Boonstra
Hilarie Davis
Technology for Learning Consortium Inc.

Corresponding Author:hilarie@techforlearning.org

Author Profile
Daniella Scalice
NASA Astrobiology Institute
Author Profile
Graham Lau
Blue Marble
Author Profile
Michelle Hooks
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratoty
Author Profile
Bradford Davey
Technology for Learning Consortium Inc.
Author Profile
Nicoline Chambers
Torrance CA
Author Profile
Dani Leach
Seattle WA
Author Profile
Don Boonstra
Author Profile


Learning progressions provide a sequence, or progression, of concepts from naive to sophisticated. Astrobiology educators and scientists have identified the need to develop learning progressions for core, interdisciplinary concepts in astrobiology to support both educators of K-12 students to bring astrobiology concepts into their classrooms, and scientists to communicate with a range of audiences. The Astrobiology Learning Progressions resource organizes core concepts around the essential questions of astrobiology, and includes connections to the Next Generation Science Standards, progressed storylines, and concept boundaries for four levels: primary or adult naïve learners, elementary or emerging adult learners, middle school or building learner, and high school or sophisticated learner. The resource also links lesson plans and other learning materials to each core concept.