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  • Thomaz Pougy,
  • Alan James Peixoto Calheiros,
  • Giri Prakash,
  • Pedro Corrêa
Thomaz Pougy
University of São Paulo
Author Profile
Alan James Peixoto Calheiros
National Institute for Space Research

Corresponding Author:alan.calheiros@inpe.br

Author Profile
Giri Prakash
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Author Profile
Pedro Corrêa
Universidade de São Paulo Escola Politécnica,Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
Author Profile


The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) produces research that helps to understand climate and weather dynamics in Brazil and in the world, with significant impacts on national public and private strategic planning. Among the essential information for the studies are the rainfall data. In this context, ensuring the quality of this data has a direct impact on the reliability of the forecasts and analysis generated from them. Thus, this study, which is a partnership between INPE, the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics and Polytechnic School of USP and the ARM-DoE (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility), aimed to establish computational tools that could deal with the quality of data from rain in accordance with the main international directives. Thus, it was proposed for this study the development of a specific toolkit for data from the Micro Rain Radar (MRR), disdrometers PARSIVEL2 and RD80, and rain gauge that would help researchers from INPE, USP and partners to: standardize the preparation of raw data for internationally accepted formats; processing figures to support quick analyses; analyze and process data quality and, finally, record metadata and quality analysis for publication in international data repositories.