We present a statistical model of the ionospheric electric field derived from line-of-sight plasma velocity measurements from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). Electric potential patterns are produced using an established technique that models the electric field as a spherical harmonic expansion of the ionospheric electric field. Improvements over existing models are achieved by the use of novel parameterisations that capture three major sources of time-variability of the coupled solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system. The first source of variability relates directly to the time-dependence of the system to the upstream solar wind conditions, specifically the strength and orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field. The magnetosphere-ionosphere system is not static under continuous driving by the solar wind but evolves with time, even if the solar wind conditions themselves remain steady. We account for this by defining a solar wind steadiness timescale with which we parameterise the electric field. The second source of variability relates to the storage and release of energy in the magnetosphere that is associated with magnetospheric substorms. The electric field evolves throughout the substorms cycle, and its morphology is strongly influenced by the location of substorm onset. We therefore parameterise by substorm onset location and the time relative to substorm onset. Lastly we account for the variability introduced by geomagnetic storms. The ionospheric electric field evolves differently through each phase of a storm, so we parameterise by storm phase. We discuss the details of the model, and assess its performance by comparison to other models and to observations.
High-latitude ionospheric convection is a useful diagnostic of solar wind-magnetosphere interactions and nightside activity in the magnetotail. For decades, the high-latitude convection pattern has been mapped using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), a distribution of ground-based radars which are capable of measuring line-of-sight (l-o-s) ionospheric flows. From the l-o-s measurements an estimate of the global convection can be obtained. As the SuperDARN coverage is not truly global, it is necessary to constrain the maps when the map fitting is performed. The lower latitude boundary of the convection, known as the Heppner-Maynard boundary (HMB), provides one such constraint. In the standard SuperDARN fitting, the HMB location is determined directly from the data, but data gaps can make this challenging. In this study we evaluate if the HMB placement can be improved using data from the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE), in particular for active time periods when the HMB moves to latitudes below 55°. We find that the boundary as defined by SuperDARN and AMPERE are not always co-located. SuperDARN performs better when the AMPERE currents are very weak (e.g. during non-active times) and AMPERE can provide a boundary when there is no SuperDARN scatter. Using three geomagnetic storm events, we show that there is agreement between the SuperDARN and AMPERE boundaries but the SuperDARN-derived convection boundary mostly lies ~3° equatorward of the AMPERE-derived boundary. We find that disagreements primarily arise due to geometrical factors and a time lag in expansions and contractions of the patterns.

Lauren Orr

and 6 more

Models of the high-latitude ionospheric electric field are commonly used to specify the magnetospheric forcing in thermosphere or whole atmosphere models. The use of decades-old models based on spacecraft data is still widespread. Currently the Heelis and Weimer climatology models are most commonly used but it is possible a more recent electric field model could improve forecasting functionality. Modern electric field models, derived from radar data, have been developed to incorporate advances in data availability. It is expected that climatologies based on this larger and up-to-date dataset will better represent the high latitude ionosphere and improve forecasting abilities. An example of two such models, which have been developed using line-of-sight velocity measurements from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) are the Thomas and Shepherd model (TS18), and the Time-Variable Ionospheric Electric Field model (TiVIE). Here we compare the outputs of these electric field models during the September 2017 storm, covering a range of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions. We explore the relationships between the IMF conditions and the model output parameters such as transpolar voltage, the polar cap size and the lower latitude boundary of convection. We find that the electric potential and field parameters from the spacecraft-based models have a significantly higher magnitude than the SuperDARN-based models. We discuss the similarities and differences in topology and magnitude for each model.

Motoharu Nowada

and 2 more

We investigate ionospheric flow patterns occurring on 28 January 2002 associated with the development of the nightside distorted end of a J-shaped transpolar arc (nightside distorted TPA). Based on the nightside ionospheric flows near to the TPA, detected by the SuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral Radar Network) radars, we discuss how the distortion of the nightside end toward the pre-midnight sector is produced. The J-shaped TPA was seen under southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions, in the presence of a dominant dawnward IMF-By component. At the onset time of the nightside distorted TPA, particular equatorward plasma flows at the TPA growth point were observed in the post-midnight sector, flowing out of the polar cap and then turning toward the pre-midnight sector of the main auroral oval along the distorted nightside part of the TPA. We suggest that these plasma flows play a key role in causing the nightside distortion of the TPA. SuperDARN also found ionospheric flows typically associated with Tail Reconnection during IMF Northward Non-substorm Intervals (TRINNIs) on the nightside main auroral oval, before and during the TPA interval, indicating that nightside magnetic reconnection is an integral process to the formation of the nightside distorted TPA. During the TPA growth, SuperDARN also detected anti-sunward flows across the open–closed field line boundary on the dayside that indicate the occurrence of low-latitude dayside reconnection and ongoing Dungey cycle driving. This suggests that nightside distorted TPA can grow even in Dungey-cycle-driven plasma flow patterns.

Motoharu Nowada

and 10 more

The terrestrial magnetosphere is perpetually exposed to, and significantly deformed by the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) in the solar wind. This deformation is typically detected at discrete locations by space- and ground-based observations. Earth’s aurora, on the other hand, is a globally distributed phenomenon that may be used to elucidate magnetospheric deformations caused by IMF variations, as well as plasma supply from the deformed magnetotail to the high-latitude atmosphere. We report the utilization of an auroral form known as the transpolar arc (TPA) to diagnose the plasma dynamics of the globally deformed magnetosphere. Nine TPAs examined in this study have two types of a newly identified morphology, which are designated as “J”- and “L”-shaped TPAs from their shapes, and are shown to have antisymmetric morphologies in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, depending on the IMF polarity. The TPA-associated ionospheric current profiles suggest that electric currents flowing along the magnetic field lines (Field-Aligned Currents: FACs), connecting the magnetotail and the ionosphere, may be related to the “J”- and “L”-shaped TPA formations. The FACs can be generated by velocity shear between fast plasma flows associated with nightside magnetic reconnection and slower background magnetotail plasma flows. Complex large-scale TPA FAC structures, previously unravelled by an Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation, cannot be elucidated by our observations. However, our interpretation of TPA features in a global context facilitates the usage of TPA as a diagnostic tool to effectively remote-sense globally deformed terrestrial and planetary magnetospheric processes in response to the IMF and solar wind plasma conditions.
The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) is a collection of radars built to study ionospheric convection. We use a 7-year archive of SuperDARN convection maps, processed in 3 different ways, to build a statistical understanding of dusk-dawn asymmetries in the convection patterns. We find that the dataset processing alone can introduce a bias which manifests itself in dusk-dawn asymmetries. We find that the solar wind clock angle affects the balance in the strength of the convection cells. We further find that the location of the positive potential foci is most likely observed at latitudes of 78◦ for long periods (>300 minutes) of southward IMF, as opposed to 74◦ for short periods (<20 minutes) of steady IMF. For long steady dawnward IMF the median is also at 78◦. For long steady periods of duskward IMF, the positive potential foci tends to be at lower latitudes than the negative potential and vice versa during dawnward IMF. For long periods of steady Northward IMF, the positive and negative cells can swap sides in the convection pattern.We find that they move from ~0-9 MLT to 15 MLT or ~15-23 MLT to 10 MLT, which reduces asymmetry in the average convection cell locations for Northward IMF. We also investigate the width of the region in which the convection returns to the dayside, the return flow width. Asymmetries in this are not obvious, until we select by solar wind conditions, when the return flow region is widest for the negative convection cell during Southward IMF.

Motoharu Nowada

and 10 more

Since we discovered the newly morphological transpolar arc (TPA), whose nightside end got distorted toward pre- or post-midnight, identified as “nightside distorted TPAs”, their fundamental characteristics have been revealed based on investigations of the space-borne auroral imager data and corresponding solar wind conditions. Nightside distorted TPAs had two types; “J”- and “L”-shaped TPAs, and their locations of appearance (dawn or duskside of the polar cap) were governed by the polarity of the By component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). Furthermore, we found that the nightside distorted TPAs have antisymmetric morphologies in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, also depending on the IMF-By orientation. In this presentation, we show that that the electric currents flowing aligned to the magnetic field lines which connect between the magnetotail and the ionosphere, that is, Field-aligned currents (FACs) play an essential role in the formations of the “J”- and “L”-shaped TPAs. They are induced by significant plasma flow velocity difference (plasma flow shear) between the fast plasma flows associated with nightside magnetic reconnection and slower background plasma flows in the magnetotail. The current vortex structures with the counterclockwise rotation are also clearly seen in the ionospheric current vectors derived from fluctuations of the geomagnetic field measured at the ground observatories beneath and in close proximity of the growth regions of the nightside distorted TPA. This result suggests that the FACs were flowing out of the ionosphere toward the magnetotail (upward FACs) near the TPA. Furthermore, based on the geomagnetic field variations and the SuperDARN HF radar data, we obtained evidence in which the locations of magnetotail magnetic reconnection, which persisted even during northward IMF-Bz intervals, that is, the TPA durations, retreated further down tail as the TPA grew to the dayside. Taking into account these observational results, we finally show a model to illustrate the nightside distorted TPA (particularly, “L”-shaped TPA) formation.
The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) was built to study ionospheric convection and has in recent years been expanded geographically. Alongside software developments, this has resulted in many different versions of the convection maps dataset being available. Using data from 2012 to 2018, we produce five different versions of the widely used convection maps, using limited backscatter ranges, background models and the exclusion/inclusion of data from specific radar groups such as the mid-latitude radars. This enables us to simulate how much information was missing from previous decades of SuperDARN research. We study changes in the Heppner-Maynard boundary, the cross polar cap potential (CPCP), the number of backscatter echoes (n) and the χ-squared/n statistic which is a measure of the global agreement between the measured and fitted velocities. We find that the CPCP is reduced when the polar cap radars are introduced, but then increases again when the mid-latitude radars are added. When the background model is changed from the RG96 model, to the most recent TS18 model, the CPCP tends to decrease for lower values, but tends to increase for higher values. When comparing to geomagnetic indices, we find that there is on average a linear relationship between the Heppner-Maynard boundary and the geomagnetic indices, as well as n, which breaks at high values (e.g. HMB ~50 degrees) due to the low observational density. We find that whilst n is important in constraining the maps (maps with n>400 are unlikely to change), is insufficient as the sole measure of quality.