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Characterization of Transient Geomagnetic Fluctuations and Associated Rapid Ionospheric Currents
  • Brett McCuen,
  • Mark B. Moldwin,
  • Mark Engebretson
Brett McCuen
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Corresponding Author:bmccuen@umich.edu

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Mark B. Moldwin
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Author Profile
Mark Engebretson
Augsburg University
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Disturbances in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system cause changes in the geomagnetic field that result in ground induced currents (GICs) that are potentially hazardous to electrical systems on Earth. Harmful GICs are driven by magnetic field fluctuations with timescales generally falling in the range of 1-10 minutes; much less attention has been placed on geomagnetic field fluctuations with short timescales (< 60 seconds) because they cause transient induced currents (TICs) that have not been considered to pose a legitimate threat to electrical systems since they are similar to electrical transients due to lightning. On the contrary, short-timescale magnetic field fluctuations have been found to be capable of coupling directly to power grids and electrical systems, inducing substantial voltages without first flowing in the ground. This ionospheric current coupling poses a potential threat to any of these systems, especially electronic equipment with low operating voltage or that does not have surge protection. Transmitting devices that are at risk by such currents are becoming increasingly more prevalent in society with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) network. Our characterization of transient magnetic field perturbations provides detail on short-timescale changes of the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupled system and supports the assessment of possible hazards to technological infrastructure on Earth. This research is enabled by modern magnetometers, both ground- and space-based, with high sampling rate capabilities that allow for the measurement of transient surface magnetic field fluctuations with short-timescales. We present the characteristics of transient magnetic field changes observed by the MACCS array in Arctic Canada by selecting events recorded on the ground and analyzing the behavior of the electromagnetic fluctuations within the ionosphere and magnetosphere during such events.