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Chapter 1: Progress in Understanding and Parameterizing Fast Physics in Large-Scale Atmospheric Models
  • Yangang Liu,
  • Pavlos Kollias
Yangang Liu
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University

Corresponding Author:lyg@bnl.gov

Author Profile
Pavlos Kollias
Environmental and Climate Sciences Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University


This introductory chapter discusses the atmospheric subgrid processes ─ collectively called "fast 11 physics" or "fast processes", and their parameterizations in large scale atmospheric models. It 12 presents a brief historical progression of the parameterization of fast processes in numerical 13 models. Despite great efforts and notable advances in understanding, progress in improving fast 14 physics parameterizations has been frustratingly slow, the underlying reasons for which are 15 explored. To guide readers, this chapter describes the main objectives and scope of this book and 16 summarizes each chapter. 
05 Feb 2023Submitted to ESS Books
09 Feb 2023Published in ESS Books
30 Nov 2023Published in Fast Processes in Large Scale Atmospheric Models on pages 1-10. 10.1002/9781119529019.ch1