Aggrey Muhebwa

and 3 more

Arnaud Cerbelaud

and 40 more

The water in Earth’s rivers propagates as waves through space and time across hydrographic networks. A detailed understanding of river dynamics globally is essential for achieving the accurate knowledge of surface water storage and fluxes to support water resources management and water-related disaster forecasting and mitigation. Global in situ information on river flows are crucial to support such an investigation but remain difficult to obtain at adequate spatiotemporal scales, if they even exist. Many expectations are placed on remote sensing techniques as key contributors. Despite a rapid expansion of satellite capabilities, however, it remains unclear what temporal revisit, spatial coverage, footprint size, spatial resolution, observation accuracy, latency time, and variables of interest from satellites are best suited to capture the space-time propagation of water in rivers. Additionally, the ability of numerical models to compensate for data sparsity through model-data fusion remains elusive. We review recent efforts to identify the type of remote sensing observations that could enhance understanding and representation of river dynamics. Key priorities include: (a) resolving narrow water bodies (finer than 50-100 m), (b) further analysis of signal accuracy versus hydrologic variability and relevant technologies (optical/SAR imagery, altimetry, microwave radiometry), (c) achieving 1-3 days observation intervals, (d) leveraging data assimilation and multi-satellite approaches using existing constellations, and (e) new variable measurement for accurate water flux and discharge estimates. We recommend a hydrology-focused, multi-mission observing system comprising: (1) a cutting-edge single or dual-satellite mission for advanced surface water measurements, and (2) a constellation of cost-effective satellites targeting dynamic processes.

Michael Durand

and 30 more

Ethan Kyzivat

and 17 more

Areas of lakes that support emergent aquatic vegetation emit disproportionately more methane than open water but are under-represented in upscaled estimates of lake greenhouse gas emissions. These shallow areas are typically less than ~1.5 m deep and can be estimated through synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mapping. To assess the importance of lake emergent vegetation (LEV) zones to landscape-scale methane emissions, we combine airborne SAR mapping with field measurements of vegetated and open-water methane flux. First, we use Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle SAR (UAVSAR) data from the NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) to map LEV in 4,572 lakes across four Arctic-boreal study areas and find it comprises ~16% of lake area, exceeding previous estimates, and exhibiting strong regional differences (averaging 59 [50–68]%, 22 [20-25]%, 1.0 [0.8-1.2]%, and 7.0 [5.0-12]% of lake areas in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Yukon Flats, and northern and southern Canadian Shield, respectively). Next, we account for these vegetated areas through a simple upscaling exercise using paired methane fluxes from regions of open water and LEV. After excluding vegetated areas that could be accounted for as wetlands, we find that inclusion of LEV increases overall lake emissions by 21 [18-25]% relative to estimates that do not differentiate lake zones. While LEV zones are proportionately greater in small lakes, this relationship is weak and varies regionally, underscoring the need for methane-relevant remote sensing measurements of lake zones and a consistent criterion for distinguishing wetlands. Finally, Arctic-boreal lake methane upscaling estimates can be improved with more measurements from all lake zones.

Ethan Kyzivat

and 14 more

Wetlands are the largest environmental sources of methane, and interannual changes in wetland methane fluxes explain most of the variability in the global flux. Despite their importance, global wetland maps, a key component of methane models, are inaccurate for at least three reasons: (1) Their temporal variability is poorly suited for static maps; (2) Optical remote sensing cannot penetrate foliage, making water hard to identify; and (3) satellites cannot resolve their fine-scale features. Furthermore, small, unmapped water bodies may emit methane disproportionately to their size due their shallow depths inhibiting bacterial oxidation from the water column and their large perimeter: volume ratios, which introduce the potential for organic matter input and plant-mediated fluxes from shorelines. However, in boreal regions, there is conflicting evidence on the effects of water body size on methane and carbon dioxide fluxes. Here, we measure methane emissions in lakes and wetlands in an Arctic-Boreal delta and compare to open water and vegetated area with the goal of improving methane emission estimates in this region. We expect small, shallow, and vegetated wetlands to produce more methane than those bordering deeper lakes. To test this hypothesis, we map wetlands in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, a 5,000 km2 inland delta in northern Alberta, Canada containing abundant open and vegetated wetlands. We use airborne remote sensing from three sources: (1) High-resolution (<5 cm pixel) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery, (2) Coincident L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) from NASA’s UAVSAR airborne imaging system, and (3) 2017 AirSWOT Ka-band interferometric SAR with color-infrared imagery. With a wavelength of 23.8 cm, UAVSAR L-band returns are ideal for mapping vegetated wetlands due to double-bounce backscatter between vegetation and the water surface. Combining two field campaigns of flux chamber gas sampling from over twenty lakes, walked shoreline surveys, and over 70 thousand UAV photos, we present a collection of wetland maps and a methodology for efficiently mapping them from UAV. We then upscale methane and carbon dioxide emissions to the scale of the delta and compare to existing estimates. These results will help improve greenhouse gas emission estimates for boreal zone wetlands.