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Assessment of climate change impacts on semi-arid watersheds in Peru
  • +3
  • Fariborz Daneshvar,
  • Indrajeet Chaubey,
  • Laura Bowling,
  • Keith Cherkauer,
  • Andre Geraldo de Lima Moraes,
  • Jose Alfredo Herrera Quispe
Fariborz Daneshvar
Purdue University

Corresponding Author:fdaneshv@purdue.edu

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Indrajeet Chaubey
Purdue University
Author Profile
Laura Bowling
Purdue University
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Keith Cherkauer
Purdue University
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Andre Geraldo de Lima Moraes
Purdue University
Author Profile
Jose Alfredo Herrera Quispe
National University of Saint Augustine
Author Profile


Low seasonal precipitation and high demand for water use for agriculture, mining, industry, power generation and human consumption have made water resources management a concern in the Arequipa Region of Peru, which may be worse under future climate projections. In this study, the hydrologic response to climate change is evaluated within the Quilca-Vitor-Chili River Basin in the Arequipa Region of Peru. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is used to develop a watershed model based on topographical, land cover, soil, and climatic (precipitation and temperature) data, while taking into account anthropogenic inter-basin transfers. The model is calibrated and validated for current conditions. Three climate scenarios derived from Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM) simulations for both Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 are obtained from the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP) dataset. Surface runoff and water yield associated with future climate scenarios are calculated for two near (2010-2039) and far (2040-2069) futures. Results of this study will provide a guideline for developing water policy in the region in order to mitigate negative impacts of climate variations in the region.