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Evolution of Electric Sector Water Use Under Alternative Electricity Futures
  • +3
  • Saroj Khanal,
  • Stuart Cohen,
  • Jordan Macknick,
  • Ariel Miara,
  • Maxwell Brown,
  • Vincent Tidwell
Saroj Khanal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden

Corresponding Author:saroj.khanal@nrel.gov

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Stuart Cohen
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden
Author Profile
Jordan Macknick
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden
Author Profile
Ariel Miara
Advanced Science Research Center at the Graduate Center, CUNY
Author Profile
Maxwell Brown
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden
Author Profile
Vincent Tidwell
Sandia Natl Laboratories
Author Profile


Increasing competition for water resources in the United States could create future challenges for allocating and using thermal cooling water in the U.S. electric power sector. While thermal power plant retirements and the growth of wind and solar technologies can reduce national aggregate power sector cooling water use, local water constraints and growing demand for agricultural or municipal supply could create greater needs for higher-cost alternative water supplies such as groundwater or recycled wastewater. For some regions, these incentives could change future electricity planning and operational decisions. These relationships and impacts are studied here using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS), a national electric sector planning model that has recently been upgraded to include a highly detailed representation of thermal cooling water demand and supply. Thermal power technologies are differentiated by both cooling technology and water source type to track and constrain thermal cooling water use in a way that incorporates both physical and legal water considerations in the United States. This capability is exercised under a range of electricity sector futures with alternative technology costs, fuel prices, and water constraints to illustrate ways that U.S. electric sector water use could evolve under uncertain future electric sector drivers. In exploring changes to regional generation and transmission planning and operation, water requirements, and cost, we highlight the environmental and economic impacts of future power sector water decisions.