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Surface slip variations and off-fault deformation patterns in complex cross-fault systems revealed from 3D high-resolution satellite optical image correlation: the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes (California, 2019)
  • +3
  • Solène ANTOINE,
  • Yann Klinger,
  • Arthur Delorme,
  • Kang Wang,
  • Roland Burgmann,
  • Ryan Gold
Université de Paris, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRS, Paris, France

Corresponding Author:solene.antoine@hotmail.fr

Author Profile
Yann Klinger
Université de Paris, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRS, Paris, France
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Arthur Delorme
Université de Paris, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRS, Paris, France
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Kang Wang
UC Berkeley, California, USA
Author Profile
Roland Burgmann
UC Berkeley, California, USA
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Ryan Gold
USGS Golden, Colorado, USA
Author Profile


The Ridgecrest sequence (Mw6.4 and Mw7.1, July 2019, California) is a cross-fault earthquake that has been observed using a wide range of geophysical and geological methods. The sequence ruptured consecutively two orthogonal cross-fault systems within 34 hours (northeast- and northwest-trending). It raised the question of the relation between the two systems of faults both at depth and at the surface, and its impact on the surface displacement pattern. Here we use high-resolution (50 cm) satellite optical image correlation to measure the 3D surface displacement field at 0.5 meters ground resolution for the two earthquakes. Because our images bracket the whole sequence, our displacement and deformation maps include both earthquakes. Our data allow for measuring series of slip profiles in the components parallel and perpendicular to the rupture, and in the vertical direction, to look at the correlation between slip distribution and rupture complexity at the surface. We point out significant differences with previous geodetic and geological-based measurements and show the essential role of distributed faulting and diffuse deformation in the comprehension of surface displacement patterns. We discuss the segmentation of the rupture regarding the fault geometry and along-strike slip variations. We image several surface deformation features with similar orientation to the deeply embedded fabric identified in seismic studies. This northeast-trending fabric influenced the surface deformation both during the foreshock and the mainshock earthquakes. We also derive strain fields from the horizontal displacement maps and show the predominant role of rotational and shear strains in the rupture process. We finally compare our results to kinematic inversions and show that the foreshock did influence the mainshock by clamping the fault and encouraging off-fault diffuse deformation rather than fault slip in some areas.