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Comparison of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and Spread-F Observations Using 2-D GPS ΔTEC Data Maps and Ionosonde Measurements over the South American Sector
  • Rezy Pradipta,
  • Patricia Doherty
Rezy Pradipta
Boston College

Corresponding Author:rezy.pradipta@bc.edu

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Patricia Doherty
Boston College
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We report our cross-validation of equatorial plasma bubble (EPB) observations based on 2-D ΔTEC data maps over the South American sector, against equatorial spread-F (ESF) observations based on digisonde measurements at several locations. The 2-D ΔTEC data maps were derived using a GPS TEC data detrending procedure [Pradipta et al., 2015] that is inherently capable of distinguishing between wavelike fluctuations associated with traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) and deep depletions associated with EPBs. The data detrending was performed for TEC signals along individual ionospheric piercing point (IPP) trajectories from individual stations, before spatially interpolating the ΔTEC values into a fine 0.2 deg x 0.2 deg geographic latitude/longitude grid. We validated the EPB/depletion observations from these 2-D ΔTEC data maps against digisonde observations of ESF occurrences at Jicamarca (JI91J), Cachoeira Paulista (CAJ2M), and Fortaleza (FZA0M) using data recorded in 2011. A general agreement was found between the EPB and ESF occurrences. Over Jicamarca: 55.1% fall within the EPB=YES & ESF=YES category, 20.6% fall within the EPB=NO & EPB=NO category, 24.4% fall within the EPB=NO & ESF=YES category, and 0% fall within the EPB=YES & ESF=NO category. Over Cachoeira Paulista: 48.5% fall within the EPB=YES & ESF=YES category, 37.4% fall within the EPB=NO & EPB=NO category, 13.2% fall within the EPB=NO & ESF=YES category, and 0.8% fall within the EPB=YES & ESF=NO category. Over Fortaleza: 68.8% fall within the EPB=YES & ESF=YES category, 10.4% fall within the EPB=NO & EPB=NO category, 20.2% fall within the EPB=NO & ESF=YES category, and 0.6% fall within the EPB=YES & ESF=NO category. The classification process of EPB/ESF occurrences (+’s) and no-occurrences (-’s) in this validation work also points at the possibility of performing combinatoric pattern analyses on EPB/ESF occurrence likelihood. This type of analysis may be useful in assessing the fundamental limit of EPB/ESF occurrence predictability that can be theoretically achieved.