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A Proposed Methodology for an Integrated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Index for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
  • Sushel Unninayar
Sushel Unninayar

Corresponding Author:sushel.unninayar@nasa.gov

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Measuring progress towards achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires the monitoring of indicators developed to assess and quantify changes in the state of natural, social, economic, and environmental systems structures within countries. Aggregated over regions these indicators provide information to decision makers at national, regional and international organizations to support policy actions to ensure the sustainability of available resources. Frequently, the SDG indicators are targeted at specific social or economic subelements; they are not designed to consider the interaction between sectors. Here, we propose an integrated index for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus using a selection of sub-indicators from among the already defined 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The use of EO data streams and data assimilation products is proposed as an essential part of the methodology, especially in large parts of the globe where detailed in-situ data are likely to be insufficient or lacking. Once the methodology is validated and tested in a selection of pilot regions, it can be made available to all interested national, regional and international development organizations and programs. Primary Goal: EO/RS WEF-SDG Index to monitor sustainability of natural resources and socio-economic activity.