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Detection of Seismic Events originating from Europa’s Silicate Interior: Implications for constraining interior dynamics
  • +3
  • Angela Marusiak,
  • Mark Panning,
  • Steve Vance,
  • Ceri Nunn,
  • Saikiran Tharimena,
  • Simon Staehler
Angela Marusiak
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Corresponding Author:marusiak@jpl.nasa.gov

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Mark Panning
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
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Steve Vance
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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Ceri Nunn
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
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Saikiran Tharimena
ETH Zurich
Author Profile
Simon Staehler
ETH Zurich
Author Profile


Here we explore the detection limits of a seismic event originating from Europa’s silicate interior. Such an event could be used to constrain the tectonic regime, rheology, and internal dynamics of Europa’s deep interior. We use PlanetProfile to generate interior structure models of Europa with ice shell ranging from 5-50 km in thickness. We then use the models as inputs for AxiSEM and InstaSeis to generate a database of seismograms. Realistic noise is added using the approach of Panning et al. 2018. We show that a deep event (depth 155km) would produce seismic signals 1/10- 1/75 the amplitude of shallow (depth 3km) events. Thinner ice shells allow for more ground motion, and thus, a seismometer could detect a smaller magnitude event than if the ice shell was thick. A Mw 3.5 could overcome background noise, but a Mw 4.5 or greater is necessary to be detectable by even the most sensitive seismic instrumentation. A Mw 5.0 or greater is likely needed to be seen by a seismometer on Europa’s surface. Constraining deep seismicity would allow for better constraints on the deep internal structure and dynamics of Europa.