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Collaborative Computational Resource Development around ICESat-2 Data: the icepyx Community and Library
  • +2
  • Jessica Scheick,
  • Kelsey Bisson,
  • Tian Li,
  • Wei Ji Leong,
  • Anthony Arendt
Jessica Scheick
University of New Hampshire

Corresponding Author:jbscheick@gmail.com

Author Profile
Kelsey Bisson
Oregon State University
Author Profile
Tian Li
University of Bristol
Author Profile
Wei Ji Leong
Victoria University of Wellington
Author Profile
Anthony Arendt
University of Washington
Author Profile


Cryospheric data is increasing in size, demanding highly computational analyses. Open science principles, including collaboration, enable efficient, tested, reproducible, and diverse computational resource development. The ICESat-2 science community continues to coalesce around these ideals through contributions to icepyx, a community and open-source Python library for obtaining and working with large (~500 GB/day) data products from the ICESat-2 satellite/ATLAS laser altimeter. Our presentation will focus on the history, motivation, and process of creating this community, developing shared computational tools, and collating a set of example workflows within Jupyter Notebooks focused on ICESat-2 data. We will present new and in-the-works examples and features of the library, including enhanced pre-data-download visualizations, collaborative developments for multi-mission and -sensor data access, and data read-in/merging functionality. We will also highlight the community building events (including hackweeks) that drive this group and showcase some of the research supported and enabled by this software library.