June 14, 2023
Causes of Reduced Climate Sensitivity in E3SM from Version 1 to Version 2
Yi Qin, Xue Zheng, Stephen A. Klein, et al.
December 27, 2023
Using Satellite and ARM Observations to Evaluate Cold Air Outbreak Cloud Transitions...
Xue Zheng, Yunyan Zhang, Stephen A. Klein, et al.
August 22, 2024
Variability of Eastern North Atlantic Summertime Marine Boundary Layer Clouds and Aer...
Xue Zheng, Shaoyue Qiu, Damao Zhang, et al.
December 15, 2022
Evaluating EAMv2 simulated stratiform mixed-phase cloud properties at Northern and So...
Meng Zhang, Shaocheng Xie, Xiaohong Liu, et al.
November 15, 2022
Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS at the watershed scale for the Energy Exascale...
Bryce E Harrop, Karthik Balaguru, Jean-Christophe Golaz, et al.
August 05, 2022
The DOE E3SM Model Version 2: Overview of the physical model and initial model evalua...
Jean-Christophe Golaz, Luke P. Van Roekel, Xue Zheng, et al.
February 05, 2020
Toward Understanding the Simulated Phase Partitioning of Arctic Single-Layer Mixed-Ph...
Meng Zhang, Shaocheng Xie, Xiaohong Liu, et al.
May 25, 2022
Cloud Phase Simulation at High Latitudes in EAMv2: Evaluation using CALIPSO Observati...
Meng Zhang, Shaocheng Xie, Xiaohong Liu, et al.
May 02, 2022
Development and evaluation of E3SM-MOSAIC: Spatial distributions and radiative effect...
Mingxuan Wu, Hailong Wang, Richard C. Easter, et al.