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Project Redefining Recognition: Challenging traditional research assessment
  • Emily Bae,
  • Hannah Smith
Emily Bae

Corresponding Author:ebae@wiley.com

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Hannah Smith
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In our current system, research assessment and reward are weighted heavily towards scientific inputs and outputs, and research impact is measured in funding dollars awarded and research articles produced. The value of science, however, extends well beyond contributions to the research activity itself. ‘Project Redefining Recognition’ is a cross-society initiative which seeks to develop a shared future vision and clear set of actions across the Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences to expand research assessment to explicitly include, recognize, and reward actions that advance open science, broad communication and public engagement.This presentation will look closely at the ways in which Society partners participating in ‘Project Redefining Recognition’ are supporting their communities in sharing and applying their science, and the challenges and opportunities in our current system to recognize and reward those efforts.