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Illustrations to Better Understand Ionospheric Sciences
  • +1
  • Juliana Garrido Damaceno,
  • Claudio Cesaroni,
  • Massimo Cafaro,
  • Giorgiana De Franceschi
Juliana Garrido Damaceno

Corresponding Author:juliana.damaceno@ingv.it

Author Profile
Claudio Cesaroni
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Author Profile
Massimo Cafaro
University of Salento (UNISALENTO)
Author Profile
Giorgiana De Franceschi
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Author Profile


Science is undergoing very rapid changes due to the larger number of people having the opportunity to do science and also with the development of new and revolutionary techniques (e.g. machine learning). The new concepts discovered to end up not gaining the deserved prominence and are quickly discarded. We live in a world where great discoveries have already been made and small new ideas need to be cultivated and developed to rise to their deserved significance. An interesting image can be a start point to attract scientists to know more about some subject, but they are considered a time-consuming effort and difficult to be done. The worries with the creation of the images are not limited to beauty, but accurate drawing is fundamental to science. Illustrated scientific posters made by dedicated design are attractive but are often connected to companies and associated with the sale of a product. Although the idea presented in simple posters can lead to the imagination of new structures or relationships, one image of this idea could more easily explain the concept and attract people, encouraging a scientific debate. A list of commercial programs can be cited as Linkscape, Adobe packages (CorelDRAW, illustrator, etc.), Microsoft packages (Paint, PowerPoint, etc.) or even Matlab functions and this work will present images produced for a better understanding of ionospheric sciences. It is common knowledge that human memory is mostly visual. The digital images can not only be used in paper posters but also in digital posters, projections, websites, etc. The idea is to motivate ionospheric scientists to draw their discoveries. The images, and the scientific work itself, begin in a simple way and gain complexity with the advancement of the scientific discoveries and could be used for the author as a personal way to instigate a continuation of the study. Complex systems studies like the ionospheric sciences are often composed of multidisciplinary groups and are important to quickly explain the meaning of some concept. To investigate the perception of the scientist about the importance of images in explaining scientific concepts a questionnaire was done to collect information about the importance of scientific images in different fields of investigation.