May 25, 2023
Extreme value analysis of ground magnetometer observations at Valentia Observatory, I...
Alexandra Ruth Fogg, Caitriona M Jackman, John Malone-Leigh, et al.
June 14, 2024
Identifying Typical Relativistic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions: Evolution During...
Shannon Killey, I. Jonathan Rae, Andrew W Smith, et al.
September 03, 2024
Modelling the Time-Variability of the Ionospheric Electric Field (TiVIE)
Maria-Theresia Walach and Adrian Grocott
September 05, 2024
Reliability of Matching AMPERE Field-Aligned Current Boundaries with SuperDARN Lower...
Maria-Theresia Walach, Alexandra Ruth Fogg, John C Coxon, et al.
October 20, 2022
A quantitative comparison of high latitude electric field models during a large geoma...
Lauren Orr, Adrian Grocott, Maria-Theresia Walach, et al.
November 15, 2022
SuperDARN observations of the two component model of ionospheric convection
Adrian Grocott, Maria-Theresia Walach, Stephen E. Milan, et al.
January 22, 2021
Average Ionospheric Electric Field Morphologies during Geomagnetic Storm Phases
Maria-Theresia Walach, Adrian Grocott, Stephen E. Milan, et al.
August 09, 2022
Dusk-Dawn Asymmetries in SuperDARN Convection Maps
Maria-Theresia Walach, Adrian Grocott, Evan G. Thomas, et al.
May 20, 2021
Super Dual Auroral Radar Network Expansion and its Influence on the Derived Ionospher...
Maria-Theresia Walach, Adrian Grocott, Frances A Staples, et al.
August 30, 2022
Height-integrated conductance and field-aligned current magnitudes evolve differently...
Jennifer Alyson Carter, Steve Milan, Colin Forsyth, et al.