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Modeling Seasonal Variability of Arctic Barotropic and Baroclinic Diurnal Tides: Implications for the Tide’s Role in Evolving Arctic Ocean State
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  • Susan Howard,
  • Laurence Padman,
  • An Nguyen,
  • An Nguyen
Susan Howard
Earth & Space Research, Earth & Space Research

Corresponding Author:showard@esr.org

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Laurence Padman
Earth & Space Research, Earth & Space Research
Author Profile
An Nguyen
University of Texas at Austin Graduate School
Author Profile
An Nguyen
University of Texas at Austin Graduate School
Author Profile


Diurnal tidal currents are the dominate contributors to diapycnal mixing in many regions along the pathways for warm Atlantic Water (AW) circulating within the Arctic Ocean along the continental slope. This mixing diffuses AW heat and salt into the cooler and fresher surroundings, including the upper ocean where ocean heat fluxes play a role in the stability of the ice pack. The strongest diurnal currents are associated with topographically-trapped vorticity waves, which are sensitive to stratification and mean flow. In models, these waves are also sensitive to choices for forcing and geometry. Sensitivity to background conditions implies that tidal currents and mixing will change as the Arctic evolves towards a new climate state. Here, as a first step towards understanding how diurnal tidal currents might change in a future Arctic Ocean, we describe results from a suite of high-resolution (dx=2 km) 2-D and 3-D models for Arctic diurnal tides, focusing on their currents at locations along the AW pathways. We first demonstrate that accurate representation of barotropic diurnal tides requires forcing with both open boundary conditions and the direct potential tide. Next, we use 3-D models with realistic, ocean background stratification and mean flow to describe the annual cycle of depth-averaged diurnal tidal currents. Finally, we investigate the baroclinic structure of diurnally forced waves including the generation of harmonics (semidiurnal and higher) that can contribute to mixing within the water column. Our results show that tides should be explicitly included in ocean and coupled predictive models for the Arctic to represent the feedbacks between tidal energetics and ocean mean state via mixing.