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Subsurface cavity detection by Improved Reverse Time Migration with Full Waveform Inversion: A Numerical Study
  • Alok Routa,
  • Priya Mohanty,
  • Divakar Vashisth
Alok Routa
Indian School of Mines

Corresponding Author:alokkumar.routa93@gmail.com

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Priya Mohanty
Indian School of Mines
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Divakar Vashisth
Indian School of Mines
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Old abandoned coal working create major hazards in the form of subsidence of the coalfields. To avoid such hazards, there is need to detect these cavities prior to start of deeper seam mining. There are number of geophysical techniques available for detecting subsurface cavity. High-resolution seismic survey is one such technique which provides accurate results as compared to others. Usually, most of the seismic processing and interpretation of these cavity detection was performed based on stacked data only. To understand these signatures more precisely, in our study, an attempt has been made to image these cavities with the help of Reverse Time Migration (RTM) combined with Full Waveform Inversion (FWI). RTM mostly used for hydrocarbon exploration targets with low central frequency as source. Application of this method to shallow subsurface exploration is still in research stage. Like the same way for velocity model updating, FWI gives mostly appropriate optimization results as compare to other techniques, but it also has the limitation to application of low frequency only. In this paper we first develop a 2D realistic Water Filled Cavity (WFC) model with a work flow of RTM combined with FWI in a high-frequency Ricker source wavelet as 100 Hz. In order to provide a velocity model with high accuracy for RTM, we apply FWI to estimate the subsurface velocity by considering an initial smooth velocity model with addition of 30 % Gaussian noise. The conventional RTM fails to image the cavities and yield a large amount of low frequency back scattered noise at shallow depth during the time of cross correlation due to time/space lag. To avoid these situation, we introduced an automatic shift operator at the time of imaging condition that operates automatically both in time or space. It leads to reduce the lag and improve the results by minimizing the noises at shallow subsurface. By comparing both the results it is observed that most of the noises in the migrated section of conventional method were eliminated by the improved form of RTM with the help of FWI velocity model estimation.