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Weak Velocity Weakening of Augite with Concomitant Intergranular Pressure Solution under Hydrothermal Conditions
  • Ping Tian,
  • Changrong He
Ping Tian
Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration
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Changrong He
Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration

Corresponding Author:crhe@ies.ac.cn

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To fully understand the constitutive parameters and the associated mechanism in the velocity-weakening behavior of pyroxene observed in a previous study (He et al., 2013), we employed pure augite (clinopyroxene) as simulated gouge sample to run velocity stepping sliding tests under hydrothermal conditions with temperatures of 101-607 °C, effective normal stress of 200 MPa with 30 MPa pore pressure and axial loading rates of 0.1-1.0 μm/s. From our experiments, we found that: (1) Velocity-strengthening behavior was observed at temperatures of 101-203 °C, the steady-state velocity dependence transitioned to velocity weakening at ~215 °C, and the velocity weakening persisted up to 607 °C, the highest temperature in our experiments. The absolute (b-a) values were revealed to range from 0.0009 to 0.0014, and the inferred average b/a values ranged from 1.15-1.18, both indicating quite weak velocity weakening at temperatures of 303-607 °C. (2) Inferred constitutive parameters through numerical fitting to rate and state friction laws show that the healing effect of friction (b value) has an increasing trend with temperature increase up to 403 °C, indicating an Arrhenius-type thermally-activated creep mechanism behind the healing effect. (3) In addition to microstructural observation of deformed samples that shows remarkable size reduction (crushed grains reduced to scales typically below 1-2 μm) in both intensely sheared regions and moderately sheared regions, ubiquitous precipitated particles (50-100 nm) with platy morphologies were observed to attach to the surfaces of crushed grains, which are typical signatures of intergranular pressure solution process, suggesting that pressure solution was commonly activated at intergranular contacts. (4) No recognizable crystalline plasticity was observed. Our microstructural observation together with the comparison of experimental data with model’s prediction, implies that intergranular pressure solution process at the frictional contacts may be the most likely mechanism operating at the frictional contacts and governing the healing effect for augite.