Numeracy is the ability to understand and interpret numbers. The
numeracy skills are required and relevant across all disciplines and
especially in STEM majors. The diverse group of underrepresented
students from two-year community college was assessed on the knowledge
of basic units of measurement and unit conversions in this study. The
student performance was assessed in a lesson plan administered during
The Numeracy Infusion for College Educators (NICE) Program at Bronx
Community College. The students were assessed to identify different
units; to be able to perform basic unit conversions; to recognize the
scale of bigger and smaller units; and associated vocabulary. The
learning goals aimed at developing thinking skills in reading graphs,
trends or patterns and develop a habit of comparing the values of
measurement in one unit system to another system of units. The students
were provided tools to remember the increasing and decreasing trends in
the scale of units. The real-life examples were incorporated into the
learning process. The assessment was administered at different stages of
learning in this lesson plan. This study will present the assessment
results of lesson plan administered to a diverse group of
underrepresented students from various majors in community college
education. The student performance assessment in this lesson plan
highlights the urgency to incorporate tools and techniques for numeracy
skills across the curriculum in various disciplines of higher education.