Mario D'Acquisto

and 3 more

Relaxation following large subduction earthquakes produces landward changes in surface velocities. Near-trench landward velocity changes in the vicinity of the rupture zone have been attributed to rapid viscoelastic relaxation in the sub-slab asthenosphere. Lateral landward velocity changes, hundreds of km along-trench from the rupture, have been variously explained invoking interplate coupling changes, transient slab acceleration, or overriding plate bending, with different implications for seismic hazard. We investigate whether the lateral landward velocity changes can result from postseismic relaxation with constant interplate coupling and convergence rate. We use a finite element model with periodic megathrust earthquakes resulting from unlocking of asperities on the megathrust, with instantaneous, dynamically driven coseismic slip and afterslip and with bulk visco-elastic relaxation. A mechanical contrast in the overriding plate is required to reproduce the observed near-trench focusing of interseismic deformation. A maximum depth limit to afterslip of around 100 km is consistent with inverted afterslip distributions and the hypothesized depth extent of the megathrust. The presence of both the contrast and depth limit causes viscous relaxation in the mantle wedge to result in lateral landward velocity changes. We discuss the responsible mechanism, which amounts to elastic deformation of the overriding plate and is due to the finite compressibility of the plate and its in-plane bending. The spatial pattern of landward velocity changes is consistent with observations for the Maule and Tohoku earthquakes. Velocity change magnitudes are comparable with observations, scale with viscosity and seismic moment, are only partly counteracted by the effect of primary afterslip, and are little affected by interplate coupling pattern. In the years following the largest earthquakes with rapidly decaying afterslip, this mechanism is expected to produce detectable landward velocity changes. The models also shows near-trench landward velocity changes close to the rupture, consistently with previous research. However, we find that the extent and timing of shallow interface (re)locking is critical for reproducing near-trench observations on the overriding plate.

Wim Simons

and 19 more

A devastating tsunami struck Palu Bay in the wake of the 28 September 2018 M$_{\mathrm{w}}=7.5$ Palu earthquake (Sulawesi, Indonesia). With a predominantly strike-slip mechanism, the question remains whether this unexpected tsunami was generated by the earthquake itself, or rather by earthquake-induced landslides. In this study we examine the tsunami potential of the co-seismic deformation. To this end, we present a novel geodetic dataset of GPS and multiple SAR-derived displacement fields to estimate a 3D co-seismic surface deformation field. The data reveal a number of fault bends, conforming to our interpretation of the tectonic setting as a transtensional basin. Using a Bayesian framework, we provide robust finite fault solutions of the co-seismic slip distribution, incorporating several scenarios of tectonically feasible fault orientations below the bay. These finite fault scenarios involve large co-seismic uplift (~2 m) below the bay due to thrusting on a restraining fault bend that connects the offshore continuation of two parallel onshore fault segments. With the co-seismic displacement estimates as input we simulate a number of tsunami cases. For most locations for which video-derived tsunami waveforms are available our models provide a qualitative fit to leading wave arrival times and polarity. The modeled tsunamis explain most of the observed runup. We conclude that co-seismic deformation was the main driver behind the tsunami that followed the Palu earthquake. Our unique geodetic dataset constrains vertical motions of the sea floor, and sheds new light on the tsunamigenesis of strike-slip faults in transtensional basins.

Rob Govers

and 2 more

Most of the seismic moment release of the complex earthquake sequence beneath the South Sandwich Islands occurred on the central part of the SS megathrust. Significant aftershock activity indicates that the central and southern megathrust was subsequently activated, i.e., where young South America lithosphere is subducted. Seismic activity thus seems to have been restricted by the lateral termination in the south of the SS Trench.   Relatively little energy release occurred on the northern part of the megathrust. It was hypothesized by Govers and Wortel (2005) that here the South America slab breaks away from the surface part of the plate at the active STEP. Geochemical observations and earthquake P-axes orientations do not seem to agree with the hypothesis and we investigate the cause.   We show results of new physical analog lab models that aim to elucidate what controls the geometry of the lithospheric STEP Fault. We study lithospheric tearing in the process of STEP evolution, which is dynamically driven by the buoyancy of the subducting slab. In our experiments, the lithosphere as well as asthenosphere are viscoelastic media in a free subduction setup. A stress-dependent rheology plays a major role in localization of strain in tearing processes of lithosphere such as slab break-off. The results show that the highly curved northern plate boundary is a STEP Fault following from lithospheric tearing at a depth of ~100km. This is a modification of the original STEP model of Govers and Wortel (2005). This is consistent with available observations along the northern Sandwich plate boundary, and likely exists in other STEP regions. The region’s largest recorded event, the 1929 Mw 8.3 earthquake, may reflect horizontal extension perpendicular to the STEP fault, which is also expected based on our experiments.

Rob Govers

and 3 more

Plate boundary deformation zones represent a challenge in terms of understanding their underlying geodynamic drivers. Active deformation is well constrained by GNSS observations in the SW Balkans, Greece and W Turkey, and is characterized by variable extension and strike slip in an overall context of slow convergence of the Nubia plate relative to stable Eurasia. Diverse, and all potentially viable, forces have been proposed as the cause of the observed surface deformation, e.g., asthenospheric flow, horizontal gravitational stresses (HGSs) from lateral variations in gravitational potential energy, and rollback of the Hellenic slab. We use Bayesian inference to constrain the relative contribution of the proposed driving and resistive regional forces. Our models are spherical 2D finite element models representing vertical lithospheric averages. In addition to regional plate boundaries, the models include well-constrained fault zones like north and south branches of the North Anatolian Fault, Gulf of Corinth and faults bounding the Menderes Massif. Boundary conditions represent geodynamic processes: (1) far-field relative plate motions (2) resistive fault tractions (3) HGSs mainly from lateral variations in topography and Moho topology (4) slab pull and trench suction at subduction zones. The magnitude of each of these is a parameter in a Bayesian analysis of the models in the context of horizontal GNSS velocities. The search yields a probability distribution over all parameters, allowing us to determine mean/median parameter values, robustly estimate parameter uncertainties, and identify tradeoffs. Significant trench suction forces from the Hellenic slab act on the overriding Aegean Sea, including along the Pliny-Strabo STEP Fault. Resistive tractions on most plate boundaries and faults are low. The best-fitting models compare well with paleomagnetic rotations and fault slip rates from previous studies.