Assimilation of High Resolution Elevation Data For Continental Scale
Flood Inundation Mapping Derived from Height Above Nearest Drainage
The National Water Model (NWM) currently requires the post-processing of
forecast discharges to produce forecast flood inundation maps (FIM) that
support the National Weather Service’s mission of protecting life and
property. Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) is a means of detrending
digital elevation models (DEM) by normalizing elevations to the nearest,
relevant drainage line (creeks, rivers, etc). It’s worthy of producing
high-resolution FIMs at large spatial scales and frequent time steps
using reach-averaged synthetic rating curves. Current operational
capabilities support 10 meter (1/3 arc-second) spatial resolution DEMs
sourced from the National Elevation Dataset (NED). The 3D Elevation
Program (3DEP) managed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
publishes a variety of gridded elevation datasets at 1 m, 3 m (1/3
arc-second), 5 m, and 10 m (1/9 arc-second) among others. While the 1/3
arc-second product provides seamless coverage across CONUS, the
remaining products lack full spatial support with respect to that of the
NWM. However, 3DEP is actively publishing additional data with national
coverage scheduled for 2023. We seek to investigate the efficacy of
assimilating higher resolution 1 m and 3 m (1/3 arc-second) data derived
from light detection and ranging sensors (Lidar). These Lidar derived
datasets not only represent higher horizontal resolution but also have
improved vertical accuracy when compared to the NED. We seek to utilize
Py3DEP from the HyRiver ecosystem of tools to retrieve 3DEP data. HAND
derived FIMs will be evaluated against high-fidelity HEC-RAS 1D
inundation maps for 100 year and 500 year events. Possible skill
enhancements can be observed from having terrain information that better
agrees with those of the benchmark HEC-RAS datasets. Lidar terrain data
can better resolve fine scale features that flood inundation extents may
be very sensitive to. Additionally, we would investigate mosaicing
techniques to deal with processing units (hydrologic unit codes) of
heterogeneous data availability. This can involve resampling DEM’s to
create seamless rasters within units. Lastly, we can investigate the
effect of Lidar data on synthetic rating curves as well as consider the
latest hydro-conditioning techniques from GeoFlood for stream line
delineation on Lidar data.