Daniel Jensen

and 3 more

In this paper, a numerical dart leader model has been implemented to understand the leader’s development and the corresponding electric field changes observed by the 3D Broadband Mapping And Polarization (BIMAP-3D) system. The model assumes the extending leader channel is equipotential and has a linear charge distribution induced by an ambient electric field. The charge distribution induced by the ambient field can be used to model the electric field change at the ground. We then find the ambient electric field which best fits the field change measurements at the two BIMAP stations. The estimated ambient electric field decreases in the direction of dart leader propagation. Our observations and modeling results are consistent with our earlier hypothesis that dart leader speed is proportional to the electric field at the leader tip. The model also supports our earlier analysis that leader speed variations near branch junctions were due to previous charge deposits near the junctions. The modeled tip electric field is generally lower than the breakdown field unless the pre-dart-leader channel has a significant temperature of ~3000 K. This is consistent with the fact that dart leaders typically do not form new branches into the virgin air. Furthermore, the tip field is generally close to the negative streamer stability field at ambient temperatures, explaining the nature of the narrow and well-defined channel structure. In addition to the charge distribution and the ambient and tip electric field, the development of the channel potential and current distribution are also presented. 

Daniel Jensen

and 3 more

One of the outstanding questions in lightning research is how dart leaders (also called recoil leaders or K-leaders) initiate and develop during a lightning flash. Dart leaders travel quickly (106-107 m/s) along previously ionized channels and occur intermittently in the later stage of a flash. We have recently reported some insights into dart leader initiation and development based on our BIMAP-3D observations. In this presentation we will expand on that work by combining observations and modeling to try to understand the observed dart leader behaviors. BIMAP-3D consists of two broadband interferometric mapping and polarization (BIMAP) systems that are separated by 11.5km at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Each station maps the lightning VHF sources in a 2D space, and the combination of the 2-station measurements provides a detailed 3D source map. A fast antenna is also included at each station for electric field change measurements. Our previously reported observations suggest dart leaders commonly exhibit an initial acceleration, followed by a more gradual deceleration to a stop. We also modeled the dart leader electric field change with a simple configuration of two point-charges, finding that the modeled tip charge increased in magnitude during the initial acceleration in some simple cases. We now employ a more sophisticated model to better understand the distribution of charge along the dart leader channel, and the background electric field in which the dart leader develops.Presented at the AGU 2023 Fall Meeting

Xuan-Min Shao

and 3 more

Broadband radio frequency interferometric technique is being rapidly advanced in recent years and is being increasingly widely used in the lightning community for detailed discharge physics studies. Los Alamos National Laboratory is in the process of deploying two spatially separated interferometers that consist of four, dual-polarization antennas for each interferometer. For a 4-antenna array, or any array that consists of more than three antennas, the antennas cannot be assumed situated in the same plane, and a generic interferometric process is needed to take the full advantage of the additional antennas. In this paper we present and numerically verify an analytic solution for a general noncoplanar array that directly relates the source direction to the array geometry and the time delay measurement. This general and analytic solution can be used in any array configurations with three or more antennas. We then derive the analytic formulas for the associated interferometric uncertainties based on the general analytic solution. Uncertainty analysis is critically important for correct and credible interpretation of the observations, but only very limited and incomplete uncertainty analyses have been reported in the lightning community. In this paper, we first carry out the uncertainty analysis for a pair of baselines and then extend the analysis to a combination of multiple pairs of baselines. We verify the analytic uncertainty analyses with numerical experiments and discuss the behavior of the uncertainties. These analyses will hopefully help to lay the foundation for future uncertainty estimate, and for more statistically trustworthy interpretation of the interferometric observations.
We use the coincident optical and radio-frequency measurements taken by the FORTE satellite to shed light on common optical signatures recorded by NASA and NOAA lightning imagers during Cloud-to-Ground (CG) lightning. We build flash cluster data for FORTE using the same clustering techniques as GLM and document the optical / RF evolution of an oceanic hybrid -CG flash over its 656 ms duration. The flash began with strong VHF emission from a Narrow Bipolar Event (NBE) that initiated a period of normal bilevel intracloud (IC) activity in two vertical layers (8 km and 12 km) that lasted for 490 ms. VHF waveforms show step leader activity ahead of seawater attachment in the return stroke. All impulsive VHF sources after the stroke come from the lower (8 km layer) only. K-changes are noted following the return stroke, but no subsequent strokes are detected. The optical flash began 136 ms after the NBE RF pulse. 22 of the 30 optical groups were dim and occurred during the in-cloud phase of the flash. This activity included both isolated pulses and sustained periods of illumination over tens of milliseconds. Initial cloud pulses accounted for 23% of the total optical radiance from the flash. Illumination during the return stroke contributed a further 58% of the total radiance, and the K-changes and cloud pulses after the stroke supplied the remaining 19%. These results highlight the benefit of having RF alongside optical lightning measurements for clarifying signatures in the optical data and providing information on their physical origins.