May 25, 2023
Impact of Kara Sea landfast ice extent on the stability of the pan-Arctic halocline
Yuqing Liu, Martin Losch, Bruno Tremblay, et al.
July 17, 2024
Seasonal and decadal geostrophic pathways of Pacific and Atlantic Waters in the Arcti...
Noémie Planat, Bruno Tremblay, Carolina Dufour, et al.
June 07, 2023
Damaging viscous-plastic sea ice
Antoine Savard and Bruno Tremblay
December 07, 2022
Teardrop and parabolic lens yield curves for viscous-plastic sea ice models: New cons...
Damien Ringeisen, Martin Losch, Bruno Tremblay, et al.
October 13, 2022
Seasonal predictability of summer melt ponds from winter sea ice surface temperature
Linda Thielke, Niels Fuchs, Gunnar Spreen, et al.
January 31, 2022
Impact of ocean heat transport on Arctic sea-ice variability in the GFDL CM2-O model...
Marine Decuypere, Bruno Tremblay, Carolina Dufour, et al.
June 07, 2021
Surface salinity under transitioning ice cover in the Canada Basin: Climate model bia...
Erica Rosenblum, Robert Fajber, Julienne Stroeve, et al.
January 29, 2021
The Effects of Non-Normal Flow Rules on Fracture Angles in Viscous-Plastic Sea Ice Mo...
Damien Ringeisen, L.Bruno Tremblay, Martin Losch, et al.
July 05, 2021
Canada Basin hydrography in the CESM-LE and observations: implications for vertical o...
Juliette Lavoie, Bruno Tremblay, Erica Rosenblum, et al.
July 02, 2019
Future Sea-Ice Decline Predicted to Bring the Arctic Nations Closer Together
Patricia DeRepentigny, Bruno Tremblay, Robert Newton, et al.
June 25, 2021
Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx), Part I: Scaling and statistical properties of se...
Amélie Bouchat, Nils Christian Hutter, Jerome Chanut, et al.
June 25, 2021
Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx), Part II: Evaluating simulated linear kinematic f...
Nils Christian Hutter, Amélie Bouchat, Frederic Dupont, et al.