Yanzhou Wei

and 8 more

The Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) consortium’s ocean and sea ice state estimate is a dynamically consistent model-data synthesis, providing an invaluable tool for climate research. The official ECCO release has undergone formal optimization to reduce the model-data misfit, but uncertainties remain in the solution due to sparse and uncertain assimilated data constraints, model representation error, and other factors. As a result, small amplitude perturbations to the optimized controls may yield notable differences in the estimated state without notably increasing the model-data misfit, i.e., they provide distinct but equally acceptable solutions to the inverse problem. We pursue this possibility and focus on the impact of uncertainty in the atmospheric control variables via an ensemble perturbation approach. Our focus allows the covariance of control variables to be accounted for in the ensemble construction and avoids the complexity of assessing interactions between surface and interior sources of uncertainty. Time-mean adjustments are found to be critical in reducing model-data misfits and generating an acceptable solution to the inverse problem. Time-varying adjustments principally correct errors in the seasonal cycle and show fingerprints of changes to the ocean observing system and optimization framework. Truncating a low order representation of these adjustments across our ensemble yields distinct but acceptable solutions with moderate changes in climate-relevant metrics. Our results highlight the value of rigorous uncertainty quantification to support future applications of ECCO and ocean reanalysis in forecasting and climate research.

Damien Ringeisen

and 2 more

Most viscous-plastic sea ice models use the elliptical yield curve. This yield curve has a fundamental flaw: it excludes acute angles between deformation features at high resolution. Conceptually, the teardrop and parabolic lens yield curves offer an attractive alternative. These yield curves feature a non-symmetrical shape, a Coulombic behavior for the low-medium compressive stress, and a continuous transition to the ridging-dominant mode. We show that the current formulation of the teardrop and parabolic lens viscous-plastic yield curves with normal flow rules results in negative or zero bulk and shear viscosities and, consequently, poor numerical convergence and representation of stress states on or within the yield curve. These issues are mainly linked to the assumption that the constitutive equation applicable to the elliptical yield curve also applies to non-symmetrical yield curves and yield curves with tensile strength. We present a new constitutive relation for the teardrop and parabolic lens yield curves that solves the numerical convergence issues naturally. Results from simple uni-axial loading experiments show that we can reduce the residual norm of the numerical solver with a smaller number of total solver iterations, resulting in significant improvements in numerical efficiency and representation of the stress and deformation field. These yield curves lead to smaller angles of failure, in agreement with theoretical predictions, and are good candidates to replace the elliptical yield curve in high-resolution pan-arctic sea ice simulation.

Nils Brueggemann

and 10 more

Hans Burchard

and 5 more

Basal melting of marine-terminating glaciers, through its impact on the forces that control the flow of the glaciers, is one of the major factors determining sea level rise in a world of global warming. Detailed quantitative understanding of dynamic and thermodynamic processes in melt-water plumes underneath the ice-ocean interface is essential for calculating the subglacial melt rate. The aim of this study is therefore to develop a numerical model of high spatial and process resolution to consistently reproduce the transports of heat and salt from the ambient water across the plume into the glacial ice. Based on boundary layer relations for momentum and tracers, stationary analytical solutions for the vertical structure of subglacial non-rotational plumes are derived, including entrainment at the plume base. These solutions are used to develop and test convergent numerical formulations for the momentum and tracer fluxes across the ice-ocean interface. After implementation of these formulations into a water-column model coupled to a second-moment turbulence closure model, simulations of a transient rotational subglacial plume are performed. The simulated entrainment rate of ambient water entering the plume at its base is compared to existing entrainment parameterizations based on bulk properties of the plume. A sensitivity study with variations of interfacial slope, interfacial roughness and ambient water temperature reveals substantial performance differences between these bulk formulations. An existing entrainment parameterization based on the Froude number and the Ekman number proves to have the highest predictive skill. Recalibration to subglacial plumes using a variable drag coefficient further improves its performance.

Amélie Bouchat

and 17 more

As the sea-ice modeling community is shifting to advanced numerical frameworks, developing new sea-ice rheologies, and increasing model spatial resolution, ubiquitous deformation features in the Arctic sea ice are now being resolved by sea-ice models. Initiated at the Forum for Arctic Modelling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS), the Sea Ice Rheology Experiment (SIREx) aims at evaluating current state-of-the-art sea-ice models using existing and new metrics to understand how the simulated deformation fields are affected by different representations of sea-ice physics (rheology) and by model configuration. Part I of the SIREx analysis is concerned with evaluation of the statistical distribution and scaling properties of sea-ice deformation fields from 35 different simulations against those from the RADARSAT Geophysical Processor System (RGPS). For the first time, the Viscous-Plastic (and the Elastic-Viscous-Plastic variant), Elastic-Anisotropic-Plastic, and Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheologies are compared in a single study. We find that both plastic and brittle sea-ice rheologies have the potential to reproduce the observed RGPS deformation statistics, including multi-fractality. Model configuration (e.g. numerical convergence, atmospheric forcing, spatial resolution) and physical parameterizations (e.g. ice strength parameters and ice thickness distribution) both have effects as important as the choice of sea-ice rheology on the deformation statistics. It is therefore not straightforward to attribute model performance to a specific rheological framework using current deformation metrics. In light of these results, we further evaluate the statistical properties of simulated Linear Kinematic Features (LKFs) in a SIREx Part II companion paper.

Nils Christian Hutter

and 16 more