September 12, 2024
Bivariate Extreme Value Analysis for Space Weather Risk Assessment: solar wind - magn...
Alexandra Ruth Fogg, Dáire Healy, Caitriona M Jackman, et al.
May 25, 2023
Extreme value analysis of ground magnetometer observations at Valentia Observatory, I...
Alexandra Ruth Fogg, Caitriona M Jackman, John Malone-Leigh, et al.
September 05, 2024
Reliability of Matching AMPERE Field-Aligned Current Boundaries with SuperDARN Lower...
Maria-Theresia Walach, Alexandra Ruth Fogg, John C Coxon, et al.
May 06, 2022
The Terrestrial Magnetospheric Response to the 28th October 2021 CME
James Edwin Waters, Caitriona M Jackman, Daniel Whiter, et al.
March 18, 2022
A perspective on substorm dynamics using 10 years of Auroral Kilometric Radiation obs...
James Edwin Waters, Caitriona M Jackman, Daniel Whiter, et al.