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Three-Phase Compositional Simulation Modeling Coupled with Reactive Transport: Application to Farnsworth Field CO2-EOR and Storage Project
  • +2
  • Eusebius Junior Kutsienyo,
  • William Ampomah,
  • Robert Balch,
  • Martha Cather,
  • Andrew Luhmann
Eusebius Junior Kutsienyo
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Corresponding Author:eusebiusjunior.kutsienyo@student.nmt.edu

Author Profile
William Ampomah
Petroleum Recovery Research Center, New Mexico Tech
Author Profile
Robert Balch
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Author Profile
Martha Cather
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Author Profile
Andrew Luhmann
University of Minnesota
Author Profile


This poster presents field-scale numerical compositional simulations of CO2 storage mechanisms in the Morrow B sandstone of the Farnsworth Unit (FWU) located in Ochiltree County, Texas. The study examines structural-stratigraphic, residual, solubility and mineral trapping mechanisms. The reactive transport modeling incorporated evaluates the field’s potential for long-term CO2 sequestration and predicts the CO2 injection effects on the pore fluid composition, mineralogy, porosity and permeability. The dynamic CO2 sequestration simulation model was built from an upscaled geocellar model for the Morrow B. This model incorporated geological, geophysical, and engineering data including well logs, core, 3D surface seismic and fluid analysis. We calibrated the model with historical CO2-WAG miscible flood data and used it to evaluate the feasibility and mechanisms for CO2 sequestration. We used the maximum residual phase saturations to estimate the effect of gas trapped due to hysteresis. In addition, gas solubility in the aqueous phase was modelled as function of pressure, temperature and salinity. Lastly, the coupled geochemical reactions, i.e., the characteristic intra-aqueous and mineral dissolution/precipitation reactions were assimilated numerically as chemical equilibrium and rate-dependent reactions respectively. Additional scenarios that involve shut-in of wells were performed and the reservoir monitored for over 1000 years to understand possible mineralization. Changes in permeability as a function of changes in porosity caused by mineral precipitation/dissolution were calibrated to the laboratory chemo-mechanical responses. The study validates the effects of Morrow B petrophysical properties on CO2 storage potential within the FWU. Study results shows: EOR at the tertiary stage of field operations, total amount of CO2 stored in aqueous-gaseous-mineral phases, evolution and dissolution/precipitation of the principal accessory minerals and the time scale over which mineral sequestration took place in the FWU. This study relates the important physics and mechanisms for CO2 storage in the FWU and illustrates the use of the coupled reactive flow. The study serves as a is benchmark for future field-scale reactive transport CO2-EOR projects in similar fields throughout the world.