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Earth and Environment Science Information Partners: ESIP & E2SIP parallel pathways on opposite sides of the globe
  • +3
  • Erin Robinson,
  • Lesley Wyborn,
  • Ben Evans,
  • Adrian Burton,
  • Simon Cox,
  • Tim Rawlings
Erin Robinson
Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Corresponding Author:erinrobinson@esipfed.org

Author Profile
Lesley Wyborn
Australian National University
Author Profile
Ben Evans
Australian National University
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Adrian Burton
Author Profile
Simon Cox
Author Profile
Tim Rawlings
Author Profile


Addressing research problems in Earth and environmental science usually requires combining data from multiple sources. This is facilitated by the use of common practices, vocabularies, interfaces and standards and recently it has been accelerated through connected communities of practice. This abstract will focus on the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) and the Australian Earth and Environment Science Information Partners (E2SIP) Over the last 20 years ESIP has built a community of practice in USA, supported by NASA, NOAA & USGS, through regular meetings and online forums to examine and develop emerging technologies. ESIP has become a braintrust and professional home for the Earth science data and informatics community where both peer-led education & training and the codevelopment of conventions, practices and guidelines have helped make Earth science data more interoperable. Through connections in the ESIP network and these boundary objects, ESIP has influenced the international community. The Australian Earth and Environment Science Information Partners (E2SIP) was recently established through liaison with ESIP to support similar functions in Australia. E2SIP is working with the National Earth and Environmental Sciences Facilities Forum which provides a common voice to government on behalf of long term science infrastructure. In addition, E2SIP, supported by programs from the National Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) such as the newly formed Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), will convene workshops, courses, hackathons, and develop guidance and best practices tailored for the Australian community. This talk will explore how ESIP and E2SIP will work together, utilizing the collective impact framework orienting around a common shared agenda and leveraging a shared backbone structure in the U.S. and Australia. We will highlight our current understanding through a few case studies.