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The Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Data Repository: Interoperability with GeoCodes, EPOS, and Other Information Systems
  • +3
  • Nicholas Jarboe,
  • Rupert Minnett,
  • Catherine Constable,
  • Anthony Koppers,
  • Lisa Tauxe,
  • Lori Jonestrask
Nicholas Jarboe
University of California, San Diego

Corresponding Author:njarboe@ucsd.edu

Author Profile
Rupert Minnett
University of Oregon
Author Profile
Catherine Constable
University of California San Diego
Author Profile
Anthony Koppers
Oregon State University
Author Profile
Lisa Tauxe
UC San Diego
Author Profile
Lori Jonestrask
University of California, San Diego
Author Profile


MagIC (earthref.org/MagIC (https://www2.earthref.org/MagIC)) is an organization dedicated to improving research capacity in the Earth and Ocean sciences by maintaining an open community digital data archive for rock and paleomagnetic data with portals that allow scientists and others to access to archive, search, visualize, download, and combine versioned datasets. A recent focus of MagIC has been to make our data more accessible, discoverable, and interoperable to further this goal. In collaboration with the GeoCodes/P418 group, we have continued to add more schema.org metadata fields to our data sets which allows for more detailed and deep automated searches. We are involved with the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) schema.org cluster which is working on extending the schema.org schema to the sciences. MagIC has been focusing on geo- science issues such as standards for describing deep time. We are also collaborating with the European Plate Observing System (EPOS)’s Thematic Core Service Multi-scale laboratories (TCS MSL). MagIC is sending its contributions’ metadata to TCS MSL via DataCite records for representation in the EPOS system. This collaboration should allow European scientists to use MagIC as an official repository for European rock and paleomagnetic data and help prevent the fragmenting of the global paleomagnetic and rock data into many separate data repositories. By having our data well described by an EarthCube supported standard (schema.org/JSON-LD), we will be able to more easily share data with other EarthCube projects in the future.